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Voting when seen as something Holy

Discussion in 'Random Nonsense' started by Daniel~, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    :"However men may differ in social condition and education. each man can draw from the well spring of the divine Locked within in man's nature, from the True spirit locked up within human impulse and inclination"


    In a democracy, no matter how broken, to vote or not to vote is fought with danger. Political, moral and spiritual..
    Men as a whole are largely turning away from Crowns. Where ever possible men have shown that they prefer to rule themselves.

    Equally evident we don't do a very good job.

    In an attempt to bring to light the moral and the spiritual aspects of the vote and it's implications; I will be leaving out of account the political.

    " The town may be change, the political forms man have evolved to govern and regulate his world may be changed, the basic needs of man cannot be changed.

    any attempt to govern that does not go all the way down to very root needs of man is as bad as if no effort had been made..

    democracy has as it's basic tenant that "if one of us is in chains...none of us is free.

    That is the imperative If democracy is to have any endurance in time.

    Gandhi pointed out that any culture can be judged by how it treats it's criminally, imprisoned population. This is so as they have no power of redress to the wrongs we do them. They are the weakest among us.

    We will never really abolish the "Crown" We redistributed it.

    Every voter wears that crown. This the responsibility we took upon ourself in leaving despots behind.
    "Uneasy lies the beard that wears the crown"

    Each man now bears the FULL weight of moral responsibility. We are not powerless here unless abdicate our crown.

    .If we forget that with great power comes great responsibility we become our own abusers. This is morally wrong. for each of us that does so becomes a tyrant.

    There is a popular belief that "each man should vote his own best interest"

    People! This IS the road to perdition and damnation.

    When a king moves only in his best interest, without concern for the plight of others his becomes the road to hell on earth.
    Spiritually your vote is not your own. Your vote will be good or evil only in terms of who you wish to serve..yourself or your nation.

    Specifically does your vote liberate the poor or chain them to servitude
    every one claims to help the "middle class, because that's where real power comes from.

    This in fact a very grave sin against humanity and about as UN-religious a view as one could have..Such vote turns it's back on our brothers and sisters in great difficulties.

    A vote that increases the burden on the poor, leads with certainty to corruption and loss.
    when we seek our own good we abandon our own good.

    when we seek the good of the least of us we leave none of us in chains, but rather when we place our selves beneath the helpless, we ascend spiritually.

    as we break their chains we become free of our own selfishness, In this way and in no other way do we see our own the shackles fall to the floor.

    We have in my view forgotten that WE wear the crown. In the past kings gained support and made themselves indispensable in two ways.

    The organized the fields to feed the people and they trained the masses to defend themselves.
    ALL forms of government that fail this test...FALL.

    Voting like all aspects of human life must serve the spirit or darkness falls.

    If the Germans had sought the good of the least among them they could have NEVER
    elected Hitler.

    Men are easily deceived as to what their own best interest are.But if a man only seeks to help the poor he cannot be deceived as what to do NOW.

    The cross as a symbol is VERY VERY old. The vertical line represents the Eternal, the horizontal represents the temporal passing thought the eternal. Their intersection is the forever and always present eternal NOW! The only time in which we can act is now.

    But every action in the temporal world must take root in the Eternal if it is to endure and gain spiritual significance.

    How a voter may take on spiritual meaning and bring that meaning into the world.

    "Sacrifice ALONE has the power to help the world."

    I would advice any who wish to have their vote gain a significance that will live beyond themselves to take upon themselves the power that alone can help the world.

    Help the poor. and every thing I have said here will become clear.

    "AS one doth the good, one comes into the light"
    St John.
    I feel it is worth noticing the time frame here.

    It is AS one, not before and not after. AS one doth the good one cometh into the light.
    This has far reaching implications!
    To stay in the light one must always be doing the good.
    Any who would help mankind... find the poor at once!
    and as always they are in need of help.

    Fail to vote to help the poor and YOU lose all significance for mankind and to the heavens.
    a hard truth. But it is there to liberate

    It is there to show mankind how to free itself from spiritual bondage.

    I am only speaking the truth that Jesus proclaimed to be "Written upon your heart"
    Men of any or no faith ignore his injunction at their peril.

    Your vote does not belong to you! It belongs to your brothers and sisters in need. Deny them at your peril!

    My brothers and sisters You have been entrusted with a crown, but that crown is not yours by rights if you do not vote for what has been written upon your hearts.

    I have written this to clarify my own position to myself. I leave it here in case others might find some benefit in this as well.
  2. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Very interesting and quite deep, thank for your thoughts about this Dan. OTOH, playing devil's advocate here: I'm an idiot if I think my vote really matters. The criminal elite in charge of this country don't care how I feel about their actions. I'm far too small to notice.

    I don't know who I will support come November 8th. I may not cast a vote for president at all. Maybe I'll write in Daffy Duck, that way I'll be registered for four more years.

    Everyone has the right to vote for who they want. My opinion is as valid as anyone else's and vice versa.
  3. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    You might well feel that your vote doesn't matter As the time we live in is as corrupt as any.
    Thats the political and the political moves in cycles of reform and corruption..

    I'm not interested in who or what you vote for. What I'm trying to express here are the spiritual
    and moral obligations we all have as citizens of a democracy.

    I've tried to tell you what you must base your vote upon if you are to be in accord with your own heart.
    I've heard from you here what you want.

    All I've tried to tell you here is that to vote in a way that has enduring significance...You must put aside what you want and help the poor.

    My opinion is as valid as anyone else's and vice versa."
    I sure hope you don't really believe that.":O}
  4. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    "My opinion is as valid as anyone else's and vice versa." I think it's fair to state what I think by posting that. Why is my two cents worth more than the next person's? That's one of the good things about democracy.

    Of course democracy departed from within our shores years ago. At this point in time everything says that it's gone for good. I don't see how we can bring it back. The powers that be used the horrid events of Sep 11 2001 as an excuse to remove all of the Articles in the Bill of Rights that were worth having. We-- no that's not fair to other folks. I sat there and let it happen. I have no excuse, but voting for the lesser of two evils too many times did nothing to help to bring back the former civil rights we enjoyed once upon a time. How can doing so possibly make a difference this time?

    This is all my humble opinion. For what it's worth.
    I have a problem with Depression. What is bright for other folks to see is often beyond my ken.
  5. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Let's say You just got hit by a car. My opinion is that you don't need attention.
    Standing next to me is a man who has dedicated his entire life to Medicine. "He" says you'll die without care...Whose opinion are you going to listen to.
    Perhaps just flip a coin?":O}

    In order to have a valid opinion on anything one must prepare one self by studying the facts exactly

    Study as we all know can be hard work. But if we wish to have opinions that others might of value We have to do the work.

    Opinions not based on facts are worthless. But you know this George..For you have music within you.

    Please consider, your vote as a political tool of democracy. Is limited and has a set value that rises and falls dependent upon where we are in the cycle of corruption and reform. This is the always is of our political lives

    What I have tried to show is that there IS another way to use your vote.
    It can be used as Sacrament. You can use it to help the poor. You can enter upon the realms of sacrifice.

    Acting as you believe a just King could and should act.
    Your vote as only your vote is limited to the day at hand. and what you want out of today.

    But if one can only bring themselves to give up their vote to those most in need something far reaching and not limited by time and place enters the equation.If you wish to know what enters:

    "As one doth the good ones comes into the light"

    So it's your vote and it's worth exactly what you put into it.
    You can only stop voting for the lessor evil by starting to vote for the greater good.

    A selfish vote will NEVER be anything more than another selfish vote.
    A sacrificial vote gains an Eternal significance and puts us in touch with the truth written upon our hearts..

    In giving up what is near we gain what is as yet far away.
    But this standpoint is one that men only seldom attain.

    So the short hand would be...Help the poor! And FEEL the power of your vote loosen your shackles. for forever and always

    "The Superior man is on the side of the lowly for this alone affords the possibility of renewal."

    I would regret it deeply if I have given offense. Yet I would regret it far more deeply should I fail to give you the best truth I have.

    Peace my brother
  6. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I think your's are ennobling sentiments, Dan~. I can't argue with the way you feel about the topic of voting. I like to think that I give to help folks that are worse off than I am. I don't want to quote figures yet I am sure that many people with far more money than I give far less--if not zero. I don't want to argue about voting any more.
    I've studied the present situation deeply and for a long time. What can we all do to save our country from hell? What we think is best.
  7. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Peace out.
    But....I wasn't discussing politics.":O}
  8. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    If you say so why would I argue?
  9. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    I don't know! ":O}
  10. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    LOL! The spectacle of our "election" will proceed for the benefit of Mr Kite. No, not really. But maybe it should?!
    Of historic interest to a few oldsters--perhaps?
  11. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Doesn't look like Trump is going to make it across the finish line... May Allah be praised! ":O}
  12. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

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    Allah, Jhvh, Zeus, Odin, heck I'll even throw in Pan and Diana!
  13. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    The irony of a Muslim Gold star family helping Trump do himself in, As he was trying to throw them out leaves a sweet taste in my mouth ofter so much bitterness.

    The two of them standing together with only a piece of paper in their hands. Their son forever
    gone. Their son forever present having signed the US Constitution with his blood.
    A family that had already given
    "that last full measure of devotion."
  14. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Hoisted by his own petard. Or in Trump's case maybe that should be "retard?" I doubt that he is stupid but how much self-centered-ness can one person, oops, "person" have?
  15. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    "When people tell us who they are...we should listen"
    Can't remember who said that...
  16. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I can't believe the way that The Trump snuck up behind Hilary's blind spot in such a menacing manner in the second debate. WTH, over?
  17. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    I want to know how anyone can run for office and not be committed to accepting the will of the voters?

    Still "the donald" did pull the masks off the Republicans. Watching them all one by one bow down to sub-human donald has been a treat and a confirmation of my all my worst opinions concerning their utter lack of any principles beyond their own self interests.
  18. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    If only a lack of principles were attributable to Republicans alone. Sigh.
  19. Gizmo

    Gizmo Chief Site Administrator Staff Member

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    True enough, but it sure seems like the Republican party have sunk to new lows. I hope this election forces a severe re-examination.
  20. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Well look at it this way George, Hillary will have four years to demonstrate in great detail;l why we should have gone with Bernie.":O}

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