Upgrading Mint 13 to Mint 14


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
I thought it would be nice to have an example of crashing...

A few months ago Mint 14 was released and I thought it would be a good idea to learn upgrading instead of a fresh install.

Backup all of your files just to be sure...

A few simple commands:
sudo sed -i 's/maya/nadia/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo sed -i 's/precise/quantal/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get upgrade


Took an hour or two because it would stop and ask if I want to keep a package or over-write it.... but I didn't know it was waiting for my human intervention.
So I would check it, type "I" and then it would continue.... then it would happen again.

Anyways, everything seems to have worked pretty good.
The first boot gave me an error, but then I set up Cinnamon to be the default and it works just like Mint 13.

My only problem is that I can't get internet for some reason.
I have a valid IP address set by my router, I can ping the router, but no internet.

When I go to Preferences|Network Tools, the local device defaults to loopback interface (lo)
I can select the menu and choose my eth1 network device. I can configure it too.
I've tried setting manual, DHCP and DHCP (addresses) and manually adding the DNS addresses.
I can even ping the modem but no stinking internet????

It was not my gateway settings because it was automatically set and I could ping my modem & router.
But I tried launching Live Mint 14 from a USB drive and sure enough... internet!
Turns out my "upgrade" from Mint 13 to Mint 14 created a duplicate MAC address for eth and could not setup my card as eth0
It would default to lo instead, which would not be suitable for internet browsing.
Someone suggested editing udev rules /etc/udev/rules.d but I ended up just installing Mint 14 as a fresh install.
Turns out there is a DNS update problem and the last command fixes it... who knew?
Upgrading Linux Mint 13 to 14

Mint 14 is still working great to this day!
I wonder when Mint 15 is going to be rolled out?