The wait for DirectX 10 in Wine


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
As we continue to wait for DirectX 10 to be fully implemented in Wine, here is a List of Games that support DirectX 10 in Windows.

DirectX 10 Games

Here are my Current DirectX 10 games:
Assasins Creed I & II
Call of Juarez
Crysis Warhead
Far Cry 2
Just Cause 2
Lost Planet Extreme Conditions
Metro 2033
STALKER Call of Pripyat

I'm actually shocked thats the whole list??!!
I thought there were a lot more.
All of these games should run in DirectX 9 compatability.
I have successfully ran a few of these games in Wine and they had decent playable frame rates.
Far Cry 2 for example ran GREAT!
And it still looked beautiful... makes you wonder what all the "hype" about DirectX 10 is about?
For me...that's the beauty part. Any game I can run, most any DX 9 game, ALWAYS run perfectly. Game play is great and the graphics are to kill and die for. Crysis-2 has been the exception. Crysis-2 broke my cyber heart! LOL

As long as they release in DX9 compatibility I think we will do just fine. Wine is no doubt diving into the mysteries of DX 10 and DX 11 as we discuss this. They sure hit the nail on the head with DX9.
Exactly, I have had a LOT of success with Directx 9 games and those D3dx10 games in my list still run as D3dx9 compatible

I hope they can crack the mystery because there are still more games coming with D3dx10 compatability and a little bit of extra eye candy.