Ravensword (Openworld RPG)

I'm very hesitant to try that game. It is a game that was developed for iOS and Android mobile platforms. I'm very sceptical of how well it would port to PC.
I didn't realize it was made for iOS and Android...
I wonder how they ported to Linux?
It isn't Skyrim by comparison, but an openworld fantasy with RPG elements.
Watch this video of basic gameplay

Its a lot like Elder Scrolls but much lower requirements. I kinda like it
Here is another review on Youtube.
Hard to understand everything he is saying, but he covers all the basic gameplay, action, interfaces and world.

Apparently its not an "open world" but instead large maps that seem like they are open-world. So maybe we could call it Hub-based levels
I know. that is the one element that interested me.
Large maps, decent graphics, and RPG elements that can run on lower spec systems.
Beat that!