Pathfinder Online (Goblinworks)

They announced they are using the Unity engine and will be able to have a MAC version. Since Unity can also put out Linux compatible games maybe we'll see a Linux client too.

Not bad looking so far.

Looks good. Shame that I avoid MMO's like the plague. I own several Pathfinder rule books and have played at a few times some years back.
I love Pathfinder and have the rulebooks too. Moved to it from DnD some years ago. I use the Pathfinder rules in my own custom world. Funny thing about MMO's, I play them like single player games. If I do party up with anyone it is usually one of my daughters. But in Neverwinter and SWTOR I usually run around solo.
I did very briefly try WoW some years back, and I also played it like a single player game, but it eventually felt like I had to keep logging in frequently to play.

Thanks for sharing this, I will certainly keep watching it because it seems interesting.
Ditto for me... The only way I play MMO's is by myself. I rarely group up with people unless I need help with a very difficult Boss.
Otherwise, I might help some other newbee's and play cooperative with my kids.
I never give money to the free-to-play games and don't really join up with Guilds.
I just play casually and have fun.

Looks like a cool game. Can you guys link me to the Pathfinder story so I can read about the lore?