Open Source Initiative bans co-founder, Eric S Raymond

I thought this was newsworthy, and a bit scary. I found out about it just today, although the news is a few months old.

At a time when we have seen other founders (of multiple Free and Open Source related initiatives) pushed out of the organizations they founded (such as with Richard Stallman being compelled to resign from the Free Software Foundation, or the attempts to remove Linus Torvalds from the Linux Kernel – both of which happened within the last year) it seems worth taking a deeper look at what, specifically, is happening with the Open Source Initiative.

If I were to decide that you, Gizmo, Boo and Danrok.
Were detrimental to he way i think we should go and (If I could) fire you all,

How long would it take my fancy view of me and my position to completely destroy myself?

My guess wold be that Linux will reorganize it self around those who can continue in the work of creating usable Linux.

further I think that any time Linus wants to plant a new flag the nation of Linux will rise up around it.


I'm not at all sure how my world view will survive when put up against reality. So let's call my post wishful thinking.

Thanks TR I'm in no position to be indifferent to the fate of those who gave me EVERYTHING.and asked for nothing in return.
Fascism comes in a lot of forms. The truly insidious ones look perfectly reasonable on their surface.

Of course, this is true of pretty much all forms of evil. We take something that starts out innocently enough, and then corrupt it into something frightening, and most of the time we don't even realize what we've done until we're brought up short by the mackerel smacking us in the face.