Metro 2033


I just bought this game on Steam (it is on sale for only 4,99€) and I was wondering if any of you guys have been able to install it using PlayOnLinux.

There are a few Youtube videos showing the game running on Linux but without specific instructions; even the WineHQ page is not that helpful, with no test reported using recent versions of Wine.

Can anyone help?
I do own the game, but have not tested it on Linux. According to this the game is far from perfect and suffers from several smaller issues. The Latest test there is wine version 1.6 which is a pretty recent wine version and the rating is silver. However there are many comments about issues making the game unplayable.

You could try it first with a clean PlayOnLinux virtual drive with only steam installed. Then try installing and see how it works. Wine version 1.7.6 is a good version as it had many fixes and does not seem to introduce any new bugs that I have seen. Another good choice would be 1.6.1, which is the most recent stable wine release, being only 17 days old.

Other things you may want to try if you have graphical issues is to disable GLSL support, or try installing some directx libraries. d3dx9_36 and d3dx9_43 often fix graphical issues.
Thank you for the suggestions.

I will have to wait a couple of days before downloading the game (I have a strange network adapter issue at the moment)
but hopefully I will be able to post some news later in the week.
Yeah, I would wait on this one for now.
I read the same thing... buggy and not happy with Wine.
But since Last Light is fully LInux compatible, there is a chance they will port 2033 to Linux too.
Good game by the way.
I hope you are right, but I am not too optimistic about a Linux port.

Despite the fact that Metro Last Light dominated the news on every Linux gaming site for days I have never seen it on the top ten best sellers on Steam, which was really surprising and disappointing to me.

So I doubt that the developers would think it could be profitable porting Metro 2033 for possibly very few sales, considering that many potential customers might have already bought the Windows version.
You are probably right, but look at Valve and their risk-taking steps entering the Linux gaming world.
They have ported almost every Source game they developed to Linux.
It would be a good idea for other developers to follow suit.
So I hope it has crossed their mind. Otherwise 2033 won't run on SteamBox