Mass Effect 2 Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Jul 19, 2013.

  • by booman, Jul 19, 2013 at 1:49 PM
  • booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Linux, Virginia
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    Mass Effect combines role-playing and first person shooter elements within a fantasy sci-fi lore. The beginning seems simple enough, but as you continue with dialog and team members you will be immersed with decisions that will affect your character for the rest of the game. If your team-mates survive, they will appear in the next game with dialog linking to previous events.


    If you have played any of the Mass Affect franshise, then I don't have to remind you of the beautiful graphical visuals and environments. Not to mention the models made perfectly without error.

    Wondering if Mass Effect 2 runs in a Linux enviornment, then that is why you are here.

    Follow this step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Mass Effect 2 in PlayOnLinux with Linux Mint.

    Note: This tutorial applies to the retail version only. The Steam and downloaded versions may require additional steps.

    Tips and Specs

    To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual:
    PlayOnLinux Explained

    Mint 14 32-bit
    PlayOnLinux: 4.1.9
    Mint: 1.5.24

    Copy DVD Data Files

    I had trouble installing Mass Effec 2 directly from the DVD's because PlayOnLinux would not find the 2nd disc.

    Create a new folder on your desktop called: MassEffect2

    Enter your Mass Effect 2 Disc1
    You should see an icon appear on the desktop where its mounted
    Double-click the icon to browse the directories.

    Copy EVERYTHING off Disc1, paste into your new "MassEffect2" folder on the desktop

    Enter your Mass Effect 2 Disc2
    Note: it should appear as ME2_Disc2
    Open the Data folder in Disc2 and in your "MassEffect2" folder on the desktop

    Copy the .rar folders
    • app.rar
    • data01.rar
    • data02.rar
    • data03.rar
    • dialog.rar
    • english.rar
    • maps.rar
    • other.rar
    Note: all the other files are already existing

    Paste all the listed .rar files into your Data folder in "MassEffec2" folder on the desktop

    Note: This will take some time because its copying around 7 Gigabytes of data

    Installing Wine

    Lets download the version of Wine that will fix this problem.

    Click Tools
    Select "Manage Wine Versions"

    Look for the Wine Version: 1.5.24
    Note: Try using stable Wine 1.8 and 1.8-staging

    Select it
    Click the arrow pointing to the right

    Wine Download Wizard
    Click Next

    PlayOnLinux will automatically download it and save it in this directory:

    Note: username is where you put your login name

    Its a good idea to backup this directory to another computer because you won't have to keep downloading wine versions when you need them.



    Wine 1.5.24 is installed and you can close this window


    Open PlayOnLinux
    Click Install

    Search for Mass Effect 2
    Select "Mass Effect 2"
    Click Install

    Installation Wizard
    Click Next

    Wine auto-configuration

    Installation Method
    Select "Use a setup file in my computer"

    Note: Remember we copied all the data to one folder on the desktop.

    Click Next

    Installing DirectX 9

    Installing PhysiX

    Installing msxml3

    Select Setup file
    Click Browse

    Navigate to your Desktop and open the "MassEffec2" folder we created
    Select "Setup.exe"
    Click Open

    Setup selection confirmation
    Click Next

    Installing Mass Effect 2

    Select a language
    Click OK

    Mass Effect 2 Installer
    Click Next

    License Agreement
    Select "I agree the terms..."
    Click "I agree"

    Registration Code
    Enter the Registration Code from the insert inside the case
    Click Next

    Install Type
    Select "Express Install (recommended)"
    Click Install


    Possible Errors
    Sometimes I would get an error during the installation right at the end

    Click Close and let PlayOnLinux continue
    Start the installation over again if PlayOnLinux errors too.

    After PlayOnLinux finishes don't launch Mass Effect yet because you will find that the DRM won't sync with the DVD.

    Configuring PlayOnLinux and Wine

    Click the Configure button
    Select Mass Effect 2 (either one)

    General Tab
    Wine version: 1.5.24

    Select the Wine Tab
    Click "Configure Wine"

    Wine Mono Installer will automatically pop up
    Click "Install"

    Wine Gecko will automatically pop up
    Click "Install"

    Wine Configuration

    Applications Tab
    Windows Version: Windows 7
    Click Apply

    Graphics Tab
    Check "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows"
    Check "Emulate a virutal desktop"

    Enter an appropriate resolution for your virtual desktop.
    • 1400x900
    • 1360x765
    Note: This is important because we will match your Linux desktop resolution to the same setting for fullscreen game-play.

    Click Ok

    Reboot Windows
    Wine Tab: Click the "Windows reboot" button
    Note: always reboot windows when making Wine or Display changes

    Imporant:Set your Linux Desktop to the same resolution as your Windows Virtual Desktop.
    When you are done playing Mass Effect 2, you can set it back to native.
    *Full-screen settings in-game never worked for me*

    Launching Mass Effect 2

    If you have problems with Linux automatically switching desktops while playing, I limited the desktops to only one. Roll your mouse over the "hot corner" and click the "X" on all the extra desktops.

    Go back to PlayOnLinux
    Select Mass Effect 2
    Click Run

    Mass Effect 2 should run in the virutal desktop with the same resolution as Linux Desktop and fit perfectly so it appears to be full screen.
    Select Extras

    Setting Graphics
    Click Graphics

    Depending on your video card, most of the settings should work fine in Wine 1.5.24

    Here are my settings for GeForce 550 Ti
    Windowed: fullscreen
    Windowed Mode: normal
    Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 16:9
    Resolution: 1360x765
    High Quality Bloom: On
    Film Grain: Off
    Motion Blur: On
    Dynamic Shadows: On
    Light Environemnt Shadows: On
    Number of Cinamatic Lights: 3
    Spherical Harmonic Lighting: On
    Anisotropic Filtering: 4x​

    Mass Effect ran very well for me after some testing and tweaking. Setting the screen resolution in Linux to match the virtual desktop resolution was the main setting that allowed it to run. Then removing extra desktops kept the mouse inside the window so it didn't automatically switch to the next desktop. I tested with other versions of Wine but I would either get a DVD error related to DRM or there were screen artifacts.






    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016


Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Jul 19, 2013.

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