Desura keeps crashing!


This is a copy and paste from a post of mine on reddit/r/linux_gaming:

After a couple of months not logging in, yesterday I tried to buy a game on Desura, but every time I clicked on that page the service immediately crashed.

Same thing on every other game page I clicked, so I checked their forum and saw that a few others are experiencing the same problem.

Apparently it doesn't matter if the system is 32 or 64bit, or if the graphic card is Nvidia or ATI.

So the question obviously is the same: does any of you guys know anything about it?
Actually I loaded up Desura (offline) over the weekend and played TRI
So it must be related to an update.
That forum post goes back to Feburary... hopefully Desura won't let the bug continue for a month.
I'll have to load it up and see what happens on my chromebook.
Keep us updated
Yes, it works offline for me as well.

The crashes happen when you click on the page of a game to get some information (or to buy it).

On the Reddit page I linked earlier, there is conflicting advice, with a couple of guys suggesting to replace Desura with Desurium and other claiming that the open source client has not been updated since 2011.

But personally I am baffled by the complete silence of Desura on the matter, since the first post complaining of a crash appeared more than 40 days ago.
Wow I really doubt it has been neglected for 3 years. I've never heard of Desurium...
Not sure whats going on. Sad to see the developers aren't looking into it.
I think the best explanation is from liamdawe, the owner of the excellent GaminOnLinux website:

Don't use the official Linux client is it really old and unstable. Desurium is also unsupported, but it is a little more updated.
They are currently working on a newer windows client and then a new official Linux client will be done. As they have a paid developer working on the client now, the same developer who worked on it originally was re-hired when Linden Labs took over.

Until then it is best to visit Desura in a normal browser and use stand-alone downloads. If your game doesn't have a stand-alone download, bug the developer to add it, no reason for them not to.

If you want to keep up with progress on the new client look here:
He's right. All the games on Desura are DRM free, so they should be able to release a stand-alone version.
I use and Desura on a regular basis. I have a feeling they will be fixing this problem, specially if its wide-spread.
Maybe there are some internal problems/changes or they are waiting on that Windows build first...
Either way, Desura has been boasting Linux compatibility for a while now and wouldn't want to ruin that reputation
I downloaded and installed Desura on my newly installed ChrUbuntu on my Chromebook C710
It was a little buggy, but I was able to download, install and run TRI.

Still crashing here!

As soon as Ubuntu 14.04 comes out, I'll try Desura once again hoping for a different outcome, although it is not critically important, since there are practically no games on that service that interest me at the moment.
I downloaded a few more games and they launched as well.
I only crashed on me once, otherwise Desura is working fine. Then again I am on 12.04 which may be more stable for Desura.

I can't wait for Ubuntu 14.04 because that means Mint 17 will finally be here.
I'm waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting... :(

Looking forward to the Pulseaudio problems to be fix