Call of the Sea in Linux

Discussion in 'News' started by booman, Aug 28, 2024.

  • by booman, Aug 28, 2024 at 4:47 PM
  • booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Linux, Virginia
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    Call of The Sea is a first person puzzle adventure playing the role of Nora searching for her lost husband in the South Pacific. Engulf yourself in a colorful and mysterious island full of secrets and relics. Explore the island and the clues left by her husband and learn the how to use strange technology.

    I was able to run Call of the Sea in Heoric Launch using Proton. It ran a bit slow in areas but I was able to tweak the graphic settings. The game might stutter a bit when loading a new area but other than that, it was beautiful and smooth.

    Mint 21.3 64-bit
    GeForce GTX 1650
    Nvidia 535
    Proton Experimental 9
    Heroic Launcher

    callsea-0.jpg callsea-1.jpg callsea-2.jpg callsea-3.jpg callsea-4.jpg callsea-5.jpg callsea-6.jpg callsea-7.jpg callsea-8.jpg callsea-9.jpg callsea-10.jpg callsea-11.jpg callsea-12.jpg callsea-13.jpg callsea-14.jpg callsea-15.jpg callsea-16.jpg callsea-17.jpg callsea-18.jpg callsea-19.jpg callsea-20.jpg callsea-21.jpg callsea-22.jpg callsea-23.jpg callsea-24.jpg callsea-25.jpg callsea-26.jpg callsea-27.jpg callsea-28.jpg callsea-29.jpg


Discussion in 'News' started by booman, Aug 28, 2024.

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