CRASH Mint 17


So I grabbed mint 17 knowing that it would dance happily through my little Acer KAV10 D150 and work. I want the netbook to play wow, deus ex, and run firefox and some other low level things.

So ok that's reasonable. I've seen people play WoW off USB sticks at the school I got this stupid thing from so obviously it'll work. keeps crashing............

I got it installed, verified in wine, the default wine set up that I always have, drivers and blah, then it sharts and crashes for no reason when it tries to scan for games, or at least starts too.

HALP D,,,:
What wine version are you using? I have the client running without any problems according to my Starcraft 2 guide here. I use wine version 1.7.22, but I expect any newer wine versions should work well too.
In winecfg I add mshtml, although that was more of an old habit from the old launcher for SC2. Perhaps that is what cause things to work for me.

Other things I have installed is: corefonts and vcrun2005

So you may want to try those.
Ran update, got it, set it up, nothing changed. I'm starting to think I should just go fing some other OS to use that isn't stupidarse mint.
I've decided to just use something else. Maybe Xubuntu. I just want it to work. I've never had this issue in anything else and I don't use mint for anything.
Should work the same on Mint, Ubuntu or Debian.
Can you post a debug when you try to launch?
Also, if you are using 64-bit Mint, make sure to install ia32-libs or Multi arch
I suspect the issue is actually caused by using Mint's default wine version, which is 1.6.2. My tests in PoL with 1.6.2 result in a crash. A bit of googling also led me to others experiencing a similar issue, caused by using Windows 7 as the windows version in wine.

To take the testing a little step further, I installed 64-bit Mint 17 in virtualbox, installed PlayOnLinux just to test the client. I get it running with wine 1.7.22 and using Windows XP as windows version. I did not really need any other libraries to get things working, so I do suspect the issue here is simply the wine version.