World Of Tanks Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Jun 28, 2014.

  • by booman, Jun 28, 2014 at 2:46 PM
  • booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Linux, Virginia
    Home page:
    World of Tanks is a free-to-play MMO with all the tank battling you could possibly want. Sign up, download and then battle online in WWII locations with all kinds of WWII tanks. Engage in epic battles in Europe in high detailed terrain and architecture. Upgrade your tank at the store or purchase new tanks.



    Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing World of Tanks in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

    Tips & Specs:

    To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

    Mint 17 64-bit
    PlayOnLinux: 4.2.5
    Wine: 1.7.37

    Wine Installation

    Click Tools
    Select "Manage Wine Versions"

    Look for the Wine Version: 1.7.37
    Note: Try using stable Wine 1.8 and 1.8-staging

    Select it
    Click the arrow pointing to the right

    Click Next

    Downloading Wine


    Downloading Gecko


    Wine 1.7.37 is installed and you can close this window

    Download World of Tanks

    Go to:
    Click "Download Game"

    Navitage to your desktop
    Click Save

    PlayOnLinux Setup

    Launch PlayOnLinux
    Click Install

    Click "Install a non-listed program"

    Click Next

    Select "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
    Click Next

    Name your virtual drive: worldoftanks
    Click Next

    Check all three options:
    • Use another version of Wine
    • Configure Wine
    • Install some libraries

    Click Next

    Select Wine 1.7.37
    Click Next

    Select "32 bits windows installation"
    Click Next

    Wine Configuration

    Applications Tab
    Windows version: Windows 7

    Graphics Tab
    Check "Automaticaly capture the mouse in full-screen windows"
    Check "Emulate a virtual desktop"
    Desktop Size: 1024x768
    Click OK

    Installing Packages

    Check the following:
    • POL_Install_corefonts
    • POL_Install_dxfullsetup
    • POL_Install_tahoma
    • POL_Install_vcrun2008
    • POL_Install_wininet

    Click Next

    Note: All packages will automatically download and install

    Installing World of Tanks

    Click Browse

    Navigate to your desktop
    Select "WoT_internet_install_na.exe"
    Click Open

    Click Next

    Click OK

    Click Next

    Click Next

    Check "Don't create a Start Menu folder"
    Click Next

    Uncheck "Create a desktop icon"
    Click Next

    Click Install

    Updating will crash every time unless torrents is disabled

    Click the wrench (top right)

    Uncheck "Allow torrents"
    Click OK

    Updating World of Tanks

    World of Tanks is over 7 Gigs of data
    Wait while it downloads the entire game

    When the updating is finished, do not click "Play"
    Close the World of Tanks client

    PlayOnLinux Shortcut

    Select "WOTLauncher.exe"
    Click Next

    Name your shortcut: World Of Tanks Launcher
    Click Next

    Click Next again...

    PlayOnLinux Configure

    Back to PlayOnLinux
    Select World Of Tanks
    Click Configure

    General Tab
    Wine Version: 1.7..37

    Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of Wine

    Display Tab
    Video Memory Size: Select the amount of memory your video card/chip uses

    Close Configure

    Launching World of Tanks

    Select "World Of Tanks Launcher"
    Click Run

    Note: Clicking Debug will output errors and bugs

    Click Play

    Sign In or click Register


    Click Menu
    Press ESC

    Click Settings

    Click the Graphics Tab
    Adjust Window Size to match your Linux Desktop
    Check "Full-screen mode"
    Adjust field of view, antialiasing, etc
    Click Apply


    Click Details for more control over Graphical settings
    Warning: World of Tanks is known to run slow in Wine, first test with lower settings

    Use "Graphics Quality" at the top left to select a preset
    Click OK

    Rule of Thumb:
    Higher settings = More detail, lower frame rates
    Lower settings = Less detail, higher frame rates

    World of Tanks ran pretty smoothly on my GeForce 550 Ti. I had all the graphics settings on medium but the resolution was fullscreen: 1680x1050
    At times it would slow down in a large map. The visuals are amazing and the arcadish action is pretty fun. It pretty much ran on any version of Wine I threw at it.
    There was a point where the game would not launch. I would only get a black screen. So I switched versions of Wine an then it was fine again.

    Gameplay Video:






    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016


Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. allenskd
    The game looks incredible! I've been meaning to try it myself with some friends but never got around it :(
  2. booman
    Its fun, but for some reason every time I try a battle I end up in a soccer game with tanks. I can't figure out how to play a standard battle anymore.
  3. Kladiator
    Can anyone tell me how steep is the learning curve for this game?

    Is there a possibility to learn how to play before going online and, mostly likely in my case, be insulted by a 13 old boy for being a complete noob?:D
  4. booman
    World of Tanks seems to have the same "catch 33" where you risk playing against the obsessive pros or the kid who screws off and shoots everybody. Even people on his own team.
    I had a lot of fun roaming around maps looking for ways to flank the enemy. You can also hide in large shrubs or trees. I found there is a lot of debris and buildings to hide behind, but at the same time there is a "sniper-mode" where you can zoom in, but accuracy is quite low. So you may have a chance where you get picked off by an invisible sniper, or you have to go face-to-face with 5 tanks at once.

    The best way to play is join a group or team and work together.
    I know what you mean, how do I practice so I can be beneficial in the battle and actually have fun?

    The cool thing, is all the tanks are WWII tanks, which means they are mostly slow and the battle is close up. WoT is mostly an arcade game, but you can upgrade your tank or purchase other tanks.

    So the learning curve isn't so high, but you always risk fighting against those pros who play all day every day.
  5. Red Baron

    The above is an awesome job of step by step how to!! Since you wrote it some things have changed. I was very disappointed when I could no longer play WOT on linux about June of this year. I thought I would give it a try just now and same issue. I happened across your tutorial, and thought I would give it a try. Unfortunately using the new playonlinux 4.2.5, and the version of Wine you say to use, causes a failure. Right about the time I try to launch the .exe file. It pops up with a blue window, with a windows type error box that says, "World of tanks - Critical error" "an unhandled exception is occured". (yes it really says that.) "the application will be restarted". Ok, cancel. Hitting ok, just repeats the error. Cancel is the only option at this point.
  6. Red Baron
    Also, what I have happen, installing the normal way, fails at login in with "login interrupted by user" I've don't packet traces on this, and it keeps sending out packets and listening on different ports. Which makes it sound like a WOT problem, but I've gotten no where with them. So for now, I can only play on planonmac laptop. Would love to get it going on my Linux workstation again.
  7. booman
    Dang, of course, some update probably broke it.
    Can you post the debug from PlayOnLinux?
    Also, were you able to play it previously?
    What distro are you using? 64-bit or 32-bit?
    Might as well list your video card specs too
  8. Red Baron
    To be honest, I was hoping for a sanity check and hoped someone would try it from scratch to see if they/you got the same thing. <GD&R>... that being said, I deleted the whole mess without saving. In the past any message sent to Playonlinux was never answered, and I didn't know if this message would ever been seen by a human. ;) I am happy to do it from scratch and save what ever info you would require.

    I played it heavily on my Opensuse box for many many hours. It got borked when WOT did their update. This was back in June. I keep hoping it would get fixed, and I just happened on your tutorial above and had high hopes. I'm using a desktop with 64gb, 4 processor intel, with an Nvidia GeForce GTX285 video card. I am using a 64 bit distro. Opensuse 12.3

    The thing is, the game installed via Playonlinux loads and installs and loads just fine. Where it fails is when you try to log into the game. It fails. There is some sort of strange check that goes on, and the game doesn't get the reply and it tells the user that the user (me) has disconnected, and another message that escapes me at this moment.

    It could be something odd or different in my distro, but I'm guessing not.
  9. Red Baron
    Oh, if you want a debug, do I need to use any switches on loading of playonlinux to get that info and where is it? I'm not very versed in POL.
  10. booman
    Nope, just click "debug" to launch the game in PlayOnLinux instead of "Run"
    Then a window will appear and post all of the errors
    Please post it here: PlayOnLinux
  11. Red Baron
    Okay, done as requested and placed as a new thread as instructed above.
  12. booman
    Thanks, I'll take a look
  13. booman
    The World Of Tanks Guide has been updated with Wine 1.7.37
    No more IE8 neccessary!
    Runs GREAT
  14. Red Baron
    Wonderful!!! The instructions look very comprehensive! That should help most to get online. I used to play it on my Linux box but during one of the updates my fps dropped so bad, I could no longer play. I'll have to try this and see if that has helped. Thanks again!!
  15. booman
    I didn't actually play any matches, but everything seemed to run fine.
    What video card are you using?
  16. Red Baron
    You really have to play a match. Once in the match, you will get a running readout of fps, and ping in the upper left corner. I am currently running an EVGA GeForce GTX285. It did run find for months, and then an update made it unplayable. I'm sure if I spend some for a newer card it will be fine again, but something happened to cause more overhead. I keep hoping NVidia will make good on their promises and work with linux to make a super clean code for video
  17. booman
    So your GTX285 was running smoothly for a long time? What settings were you using?
    I noticed even my 550 Ti was slowing down with everything on HIGH at a resolution of 1680x1050
    So you might have to lower the video settings or invest in a new card.
    Which distro are you running?
  18. Red Baron
    Yes, sure did. I was getting roughly 40-60fps. VERY playable. I already have resigned myself to a newer card. I just don't have the funds currently. The perplexing thing is, that it DID run very well for several thousand games/several months. I wish I knew if it were a Playonlinux issue, or a WOT issue or?

    I don't recall now, It around 1680... I think or something like that. It is not really playable at 1024... I mean I guess you can to prove a point, but that is about it. :)

    I'm currently running Opensuse 12.3.... no changes there, except the typical patches etc. I did do a couple of video updates in hopes that would solve it.

    Just priced the 980 I think it is. Still $589. I could get by with far less I'm sure, but will probably hold out for that when the price drops a little more. :)

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