Transformers 2007


I have Transformers: The Game from 2007.
I would like to install it if possible. Its a Microsoft Game and I saw many videos on YouTube being played on Linux but there is no guide.

I went to WineHQ to check on what was needed but the only information i got was the wine version 1.3.8 and that it needs d3dx9.
Then I went to PlayonLinux forums and somebody there pointed that needed vcrun2005 too.
And finally inside the folder of the game I have there is a xinput.dll.

So I tried to install it with actual version of wine and dxfullsetup - xinput - vcrun2005.
The problem is that when i select the .exe file the installation crashes.

Any advices or ideas on how to make it install?
Thank you very much boys.
Hey Lorena, welcome back!

I don't have Transformers, but am curious about your problem.
Is this a retail or Steam version?

One thing you can do is:
  1. Create the Virtual Drive
  2. Install packages
  3. Select Wine version
  4. Don't run the exe yet
  1. Copy it to the "drive_c" in the Virtual Drive you created
  2. Go to Configure
  3. General Tab
  4. Create a shortcut to the installer exe
  5. Run it with "debug" and see any errors
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I got it from my kids. Its just a folder with a transformers.exe file and some other files (libraries etc etc)
It runs on my boys computer (windows) without any problems.
But you already know I hate Windows. hahahaha :P
Try the steps above and post the debug here so I can see what is happening when it crashes.
What version of Wine are you trying to use?
Holly Molly!!!!!
when i run the .exe the game started like out of the box!!!!!!
that made the trick!!!!!
Incredible, you are incredible like always!!!!
BTW this last days I was installing some games by myself, I think I could write a couple of guides but maybe you should read them before posting. Im a complete noob doing those guides.
But i would like to put my lil grain of sand in this awesome website.
Hugs from Buenos Aires
That means it was not the installer. Probably pirated or something.
Yes, please post some guides, but make sure they are totally legal, I don't want to make gamers use NoCD cracks or pirated software to play games in Linux.
Well I dont think it was ilegal since my boys has the CD for the transformers game. Its a very old game.
Anyway Im going to ask them about this.
Good, I'm glad you have the retail version of the game. I suggest testing with the CD ROM version for the guide.