The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt


Active Member
Am I the only one here who is really REALLY excited for TW3? There might be a native Linux version as well, but we haven't gotten a confirmation yet. However, there has been a tease or a leak on steam some time ago.

Considering that CD Project Red decided to release The Witcher 2 for Linux, even though if it's in a wrapper, I think it points towards the possibility that TW3 might get a native Linux version. Adding the steam TW3 slip, and that they extended the development time, which I don't think is only for optimizing the Xbox One and Playstation 4 version, then I think there is hope.

What do you think?

I am VERY excited about this, to say the least. I do believe I read somewhere that CdProjekt RED had more or less confirmed they were going to do a SteamOs (in other words Linux) version. Besides, CdProjekt owns GOG, and with GOG's recent Linux support I would consider it only logical of them to do a Linux version.

Of course, this my just be wishful thinking, but I'm optimistic.
This could be yet another catalyst to push Linux gaming into the mainstream. Big games like The Witcher could insure a great future for Linux just like Valve's efforts.
We'll see...
GOG has been advertising it all summer
Wish I had $55.00
Favoring digital editions, I ordered it from GOG the moment it was available for pre-order. GOG have most of the bonus stuff available in digital format as well. The only thing I am pondering is whether I should try to run it in wine as soon as it is released, or wait to see if a Linux version might arrive.
I was very tempted to order the physical CE myself as well. The goodies that come with it is pretty awesome.
I don't care much about collectors stuff, wallpapers, audio and avatars.
I want the game its-self.
Something I do like is commentary or "making-of" videos. Those can be very cool and interesting.
I love the commentary in Half-Life 2: Episode 1
You could click on in-game icons to hear commentary or see a video.
Yes it is!
I can't wait for the day when video games actually have real character damage.
You know, like a sword getting stuck in the minion's rib cage, or every cut removes pieces of flesh, damage to limbs makes them unusable....

I've seen limbs get cut-off, I've seen battle damage, but I'm talking more realistic damage where you can literally knock their sword out of the way with physics. Open their defense with a slash to the right and their sword flings out of their hand.

Make the fights a bit slower, but they way you swing your weapon really affects the way they are hit.