The sims 4 and vcrun 2013

I just got it to work via POL wine version 1.7.38 winestaging. :cool:To bad I have to sleep now. :D


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Maybe later. Here is the auto generated POL script: Sorry POL did not create an auto script like it usually does when you manually install a game. Lets see POL winestaging 1.7.38. Configured to win 7
full drirect x.
vcrun 2010-2013.
msnet 4.

It might work without some of the above but I am sure you need at least wine 1.7.38 wine staging and vcrun 2010 - 2013.
Maybe later. Here is the auto generated POL script: Sorry POL did not create an auto script like it usually does when you manually install a game. Lets see POL winestaging 1.7.38. Configured to win 7
full directx.
vcrun 2010-2013.
msnet 4.

It might work without some of the above but I am sure you need at least wine 1.7.38 wine staging and vcrun 2010 - 2013.

Dont need in my case stay working some time ago (since 1.7.33), *only needs msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dll in sims 4 binary folder

In my case use wine vanilla with default prefix (XP), VC++ Redistributables (except 2013 problems with installer*), DirectX Jun2010 and net framework (2.0 SP2, 3.5SP1 and 4.0)

I was going to say "still using IE8?" because I haven't used it in a long time. Some games required IE8 DLL's but recently newer versions of wine run game launchers perfectly.
I installed IE8 just to make sure but it might not be needed. I tried installing wmp9 so I could play the sound track but the POL script seems broken. It may be too old to work since the highest version seems to be wmp12.
No problem with that
I'm surprised it worked in your Windows 7 configuration with Wine.
Normally I would get an error when IE8 tries to install. Basically saying that its not compatible with my version of Windows