Like booman does now, I used to work with a LOT of lawyers.
Most of them aren't bad people, although the world seems to perceive them that way. I actually liked quite a few of them, and even stay in touch with a couple, even after all these years.
But the BEST part of knowing lawyers is the joke-telling. Even THEY enjoy telling a good lawyer joke.
Here is one of my favorites:
The topic in school one day was, 'What do your parents do?' Christine told the teacher her mom was an interior designer, Joey's dad was an engineer, and Terry's was a policeman.
The teacher thought this was going quite well, so she courageously asked 'Little Johnny'. "So, Johnny, what does your dad do for a living?"
Little Johnny exploded, "My dad is a doorman in a whorehouse! He's so cool."
The teacher, needless to say, quickly made her segue to the next student, but promised herself to have a chat with Johnny's father about his answer.
A few days later she visited Johnny's house, to have his dad answer the front door. She related Johnny's outburst, and told him that she felt it was a cry for attention. "Actually," Johnny's father said, "I'm an attorney. But how would you suggest that I explain that to a 9-year-old?"
Come on now, tell your best lawyer jokes here.
Most of them aren't bad people, although the world seems to perceive them that way. I actually liked quite a few of them, and even stay in touch with a couple, even after all these years.
But the BEST part of knowing lawyers is the joke-telling. Even THEY enjoy telling a good lawyer joke.
Here is one of my favorites:
The topic in school one day was, 'What do your parents do?' Christine told the teacher her mom was an interior designer, Joey's dad was an engineer, and Terry's was a policeman.
The teacher thought this was going quite well, so she courageously asked 'Little Johnny'. "So, Johnny, what does your dad do for a living?"
Little Johnny exploded, "My dad is a doorman in a whorehouse! He's so cool."
The teacher, needless to say, quickly made her segue to the next student, but promised herself to have a chat with Johnny's father about his answer.
A few days later she visited Johnny's house, to have his dad answer the front door. She related Johnny's outburst, and told him that she felt it was a cry for attention. "Actually," Johnny's father said, "I'm an attorney. But how would you suggest that I explain that to a 9-year-old?"
Come on now, tell your best lawyer jokes here.