Perhaps the greatest comedy series ever. And these Youtube videos are of great quality. In this episode, Ralph gets a call from the Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler of the International Order of the Friendly Raccoons - and he thinks he has been elected 'Raccoon of the Year'. But, as usual, he's wrong. Ralph: "Alice, you have no sense of humor." Alice: "Of course I do. I married you, didn't I?"
"One of these days Alice, to the moon Alice to the moon" I'll check out a bit later, when in a better moon." :O}
I thought he took the bad news very well. I remember watching the Jackie Gleason Show as a kid when I lived Manhattan. A while back that was.
Art and Jakie were second only to Amos and Andy. They seemed so harmless and endearing to 8-10 year old heart.