Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2


New Member
I've just installed kotor, everything runs smoothly and fine ;) But I was wondering, whether You could give me a helping hand with kotor 2 installation. I installed GOG version using 1.9.3 wine, installed same libraries as in kotor1, but I'm unable to start a new game, after a introducing movie, error occurs :/ could You tell what, am I doing wrong? Thank You in advance ;)
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So KOTOR2 crashes after the introduction movie?
Are you able to get to the game menu or settings?

Here is a short Wine guide I found at GOG: KOTOR2 Guide

He mentions turning off:
  • Frame Buffer Effects
  • Grass
He also mentions that turning off the virtual desktop can help too.

I bet you are getting this error:
err:ole:COMPOBJ_DllList_Add couldn't load in-process dll L"a3dapi.dll"

There is another suggestion. Adding the argument:

After reading on AppDB... Several other people are having the same problem
So there might not be a fix for this yet
Definitely try the newest version of Wine