Snow like flour on the ground


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I'd guess we are at 2 inches of snow now, Big snow is expected for tonight and the next 5 days and nights.

So no worries if I'm not around for a while. Internet gets pretty flaky when the snow flakes fall.

Now on to science!

What is sleet? A night or two ago I saw something new. It came down like snow flakes on a string. It reminded me of my Great Dane's slobber,long strings of icy snowy stuff. . So did I see sleet?

But the really strange thing that I saw that night were big, softball size
clumps of snow falling. I only saw a half dozen of them.

They fell lightly like snow. As I have never even heard of this before I'm looking for some sort of confirmation.

But hurry before my internet goes out! ":O}
Softball size? Dun-dun-duuhn! Sorry, never heard of such a phenomenon. Seems like softball sized hail is becoming more common. Wish to be spared such hail monsters!
Softball size? Dun-dun-duuhn! Sorry, never heard of such a phenomenon. Seems like softball sized hail is becoming more common. Wish to be spared such hail monsters!
No, it floated dowm like a single snow flake. It was at night so I only saw it in motion in it's last 7 feet of fall.

Any way a good 6 inches on the ground now, Snow is predicted day and night for the next 5 days.A fine mist of tiny snow flakes falling now.
I don't understand what we are talking about. Highly unusual! A six inch wide SINGLE snowflake? Mongo not permit such a phenomenon in the "big" city. Maybe we will see some snow tomorrow? It's beautiful to see and gussy's up the place real good. Love the quiet too!
no not a huge snow flake but an unusual formation or gathering of snow flakes into a rough ball
Lost power yesterday, but we gained a foot of snow. still falling in a fine mist that completely covered the bare spots under the Yu trees.

Patti got a jump ion the shoveling so it wont be as hard as it was last year.
Internet seems be be off and on, So I'll be here when I can, which should be mostly always.":O}
2 feet on the ground 10 degrees last night, I have series of ice cycle hanging over my window. There were 6 or 8 of 'em but as the lengthened the widened so now there's only three.