Snow in the mountains


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Emenclaw, the nearest town and 1200 feet lower than where I live was predicted to have a half inch overnight. Anfd they did get that!

But we got 3 to 4 inches. and a 24 hour black out.
It was a perfect snow. enough to cover the bare ground but leaving wide rings of bare ground around and under the Yu trees that surround our trailers

Here is the low mountains we get black outs year round, but they tend to last longer with the snows hampering efforts to re-light the world.
So if I'm not around not to worry eventually I'll regain power and post a song or two.":O}|
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What a ground thump-er!

It sits in a plywood box built for silence.

It sits fifteen ft in front of my trailer And I sit all the way in the back of my 28 ft of paradise.":O}

It massages me though the mattress.

Oh! It also powers three trailers..

But we love it for all the noise it brings..NOT! LOL

Silence it seems will be a work in progress.
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At 1700 ft (highest I have ever lived") It's not so much that we get a ton of snow, though we do get a bit more than the low lands. It's the temps. The snow that falls is pretty much here till spring very slow to go away.

This is our third winter here. First year was pretty sparse, last year we had 4 ft on the\ ground for around 6 weeks. But it does help to dampen the Ground thump-er a bit,":O}
Our Elk have come down off their mountain and are grazing our front yard.But they keep their distance and rarly come any closer than 5 feet away. But sometimes they do!

Mama has a collar,she has what looks like a two year old calf with her...almost fullygrown.
She is a bit shy and keeps her distence, she's at lest 7 feet from my window. How am I suppose to get a wild l;ife experence if the wion't let me pet them!!!??? ":O}

Their condition is amazing. They look like they are super cultavated, in perfect health. As sleek as a hourse groomed an hour ago, they are perfect in every way...just a bit stuck up and stand stand offish. But I have come notice that we are not held in high reguard by those who stand deep in natures web.

Down below when we lived inRavensdale we had a back bear come visit us. Bears aren't nearly as shy. Ours spent two days eating a rubber maind trash can that contained a years garbage intended for magots and compost. My god she loved eating what was no more than GOOO.

She spent two days eating every last bite.
then she shook hands with me though the glass door. and surrender her self for deportaion.

There are three Elk out side my window so probably a dozed scattered about our small park.

They seem to gather up a bit when getting ready to cross our river. No so much hearding as just waiting on straggerls

Life is good by the river.