Snow in the low lying mountains


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It snowed here in Clear water campgrounds, about a week ago. A mere 1/2 inch. It left broad circulates of bare ground about each of our large trees. Then it was done.

The snow has long since stopped falling. In the valley it was gone in a day.

But our snow lingers. We've had several light rains that should have carried it way,

Some of us think it's a threat. Winter sending in the lightest of snows to grab and hold territory
Winter showing us that with only a 1/2 inch fall she holds us tightly in her grip.

After 2 hours of listening to the false promises of rain upon my roof it's become clear that white winter isn't going any where.

That 1'2 inch speaks to all of us of last winter. An early and deep leap into colder climes. 4 foot of snow. 4 feet that just sat THERE and compacted itself. from January into March we walked our hard gotten trenches and tried to keep the snow looking fresh and clean.

But I don't see snow as do my wife and neighbors Who dug and maintained our way out of last winter.I sit in my room warmed just a bit as I like it chilly. I watch out my many window As my Minions do their own bidding just as I wish it.
4 Feet!!! Wow!

As much as I love the cold, that is a bit much for me...
We went on a trip to Flagstaff AZ last December and it surprised us with about 4 inches of snow.
My wife hated it as we walked around downtown avoiding slush micromanaging the kids. They were all cold, but I was loving it.

Every year I endure the 100+ degree weather in AZ and can't wait for Winter. I can basically wear shorts all year long because it only gets as low as 35 degrees in the winter... which is really nice!

Hang in there!
Rain falling on your roof is one of nature's greatest kindnesses. Lovely sound. My roof is much too far away for sound yet rain dashing gently against the windows is almost as nice.

If you wish to live in the mountains is it fair to "curse" the snow?
4 Feet!!! Wow!

As much as I love the cold, that is a bit much for me...
We went on a trip to Flagstaff AZ last December and it surprised us with about 4 inches of snow.
My wife hated it as we walked around downtown avoiding slush micromanaging the kids. They were all cold, but I was loving it.

Every year I endure the 100+ degree weather in AZ and can't wait for Winter. I can basically wear shorts all year long because it only gets as low as 35 degrees in the winter... which is really nice!

Hang in there!

Grew up in San Diego, only slightly cooler. I use to love the desert, but as the years pass I find I can tolerate cold far better than heat.

I once went into the Desert around Tucson with my Great Dane and my Brother in law. In one day we saw a dear, over a dozen wild pigs with a dozen more babies squealing along.

It was one on the best days of mt troubled life..
Snowed again last nigh, another1/2 inch. But this time the rain that followed is in earnest, don't expect a white morning
The rain is falling and the river she is rising, up at lest two feet. It's started to carry logs to sea.
Ok A log to the sea, But I don't see them all ya know!

It's crested for now and down a few inches.
Snow has back off for now. Rain is hanging out waiting to ambush the first flake that falls.

But snow is as quite as it is relentless in the low mountains and just waiting to push rain into the river and see it gone. Smothered in white silence that now hunts down every pitter patter.

and scares it into icy silence.