Sir, You are being hunted


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
I just found this interesting indie game on Steam.
The premise is quite different and yet has some similarities to a few other games.
Its a singleplayer, first person shooter, stealth hunter.
Just click the link: Sir, You are being hunted
Exactly, should run great and you don't have to be online. What could possibly be better?
Oh, maybe if it were free.... I guess...
I'll wait for it final release. Maybe until it happens, it will be part of a new humble bundle, we'll see :)
Man that would be cool! I'm hoping its a good mix of stealth and action because too much of one or the other can ruin a game.
I agree. One of my favorite games are Syphon FIlter and metal gear solid, both on PS1 console. JUst the right balance.

Later games were too much this or not enought that, if you know what I mean.

We'll see. I'll wait the final release.
I'm not a huge fan of stealth but when I re-played Oblivion and Fallout 3 focusing on bow-n-arrow & sniping, I actually found it to be really fun!
Specially when they give you bonus damage if the enemy doesn't spot you.
Sorry, its says singleplayer.
Probably because the people hunting are A.I.
But, what if there was a multiplayer?
Dang, really looks like a cool single player FPS. I know its a stealth game, but should be some shooting too.
$10 is still above my budget. Hell I got 6 games on Humble Bundle for $6.00
Can't beat that!

I really wanted to see the brush move when the characters walk through it. Like in Far Cry 2.
That would be a cool feature.