Should Video Games be More Expensive?


New Member
I know that this may sound ridiculous, but I believe that video games should be more expensive. Before I get any blind hate, let me explain my reasoning....

If video games were more expensive, AAA developers would be able to make more original games instead of recycling the same concept over and over.
Higher prices for games would make it less likely for games to be released in pieces (DLC), have micro transactions, or P2W.
More revenue would allow for bigger and better worlds.
Now, just take a moment to realize a few things:

Today, development costs are ridiculously high
The high development costs of games may cause developers to "play it safe" and use rehashed content that lacks originality.
When accounting for inflation, video games prices are nearly at an all-time low.
Here's an informative video to back up the previous statement.

So, anyway, what are your thoughts on whether or not game prices should increase? I happen to find a lot of the games being released this day in age feel kind of "stale", and perhaps maybe this is a sign that it's about time for game prices to increase.

Post your opinions below!
I don't think paying more money for a game translates to making better games.

Let me put that another way: just because a developer gets more money for a game doesn't necessarily mean they will make a better game.

Making games is like any other business, and business exists for the purpose of making money. The goal is to maximize profit, i.e. do the smallest amount of work you can for the greatest reward. In that context, if developers can continue making crap and make more money while doing so, what do you think is going to happen?

Now, there is definitely an argument to be made on the side of us being WILLING to pay more money for better games, and I don't think I have a particular problem with that (game developers have to eat too, right?). We just need to stop rewarding mediocrity by paying $60 for crap games.

Look, there's nothing really new here. We have this same argument every few years, and have done since the beginning of commercial video games, back when you could play the brand new Pong for a quarter (I know, I was there :eek: ).
We just need to stop rewarding mediocrity by paying $60 for crap games.

This is the core of the issue. All game developers need to make money, and a lot don't seem to care about the quality of their work as long as it pays. Many developers are already making far too much money on crap games. There are a lot of triple-A games out there that are extremely lacking in content, yet still cost €50 and sell incredibly well. Then they make even more by releasing DLC's until DLC sales rival game profits.

If you want to make a difference, buy games from those who actually care about the quality of their games.
It doesn't help that we are a minority in gaming industries either.