Quicken Delux 2015


I tried creating a 32 bit wine prefix using wine 1.7.35.
I ran the installer it failed listing Win Vista - Win 8.1

After changing wine from Default of win xp to win vista, I tried again. The install ran and then said msdotnet 4 needed to be reinstalled.

I tried again after installing msdotnet4. Now it says exit code 2016.

I haven't tested further yet.
There isn't even a test on WineHQ for 2015
The test for 2013 and 2014 are "Garbage" as well.
You are treading new ground here.

I have successfullly installed Dotnet40 in PlayOnLinux so I could run UDK games.
I don't know how much UDK relies on Dotnet40 but it works.

WineHQ noted these libraries:
  • corefonts
  • dotnet40
  • IE6 or IE7 or IE8
Might as well throw Tahoma in there.

Older versions like Quicken 2012 recommended:
  • dotnet20
  • gdiplus
  • IE8
  • vcrun2008
  • corefonts
You are basically on your own here. Feel free to post a debug when it crashes or locks up.
I submitted a test to wine HQ last night. This is why you see a page for Quicken delux 2015. There wasn't one so I created it. The test results have to be approved before the will show up on the page. Of course since I couldn't get the installer to run then when the test results do show up they will show as garbage. I posted on PlayOnLinux, gammersonlinux and wine HQ/appdatabase hoping some one would chime in with something useful.;)
Cool, glad you entered it.
Now to figure out why it doesn't run...
Easier said than done. I am sure we will get this figured out. Now that their is a page then people can vote for it. I already added 1 vote.
With finance & accounting software, I'm sure there are some security certificates that have to work. Who knows how that works with Dot Net Framework?
I just tried the 2017 version... Garbage! The installer fails with exit code 1627. The quicken company should be nice and help test quicken via wine.
yeah, I'm sure Intuit developer will be right "on it" and help support Linux and Wine :)
Honestly I've rarely tested a program in Wine beside SketchUp.
Some day I'll try out Photoshop, AutoCAD and some other programs I love to use...
Probably true. Considering that Linux is considered a major OS now, hopefully developers will start at least testing their installers under wine. Even if it's only wine for windows that will help.