My system got a trojan!


Active Member
"Good old days!" One would say... somehow I ended up in this weird site. You could say it was a flash from the past. I expected these type of sites would have "evolved" by now, geez...


Sorry "online system scan" I'm pretty sure I'm safe on both Windows and Linux, I don't need to "pay" to get a trojan.
That's funny, so you didn't really get. A Trojan in Linux
I'm curious why your dad thought there was a virus in Linux?
Was there some specific symptoms?
I was complaining about his router, that it's a shit quality ruter, and it runs out of memory, thus the wifi and router itself crash a lot, and I was complaining about the signal strength. My dad claimed there was something wrong with my computer, that I may have a virus and a malware. I laughed at him, and said that in addition to being a power user who knows where viruses exists, and how you get it, I use Linux, and I guaranteed that I didn't have any malware and viruses, and I didn't have any at all.
Was his computer having the same symptoms due to the router and wireless?
No, but it seems whenever I was at his house his router crashed. He suggested that there is something wrong with my desktop, my laptop and my phone, then I counter suggested that the router runs out of RAM, which is why it crashes when too many hosts try to connect to it.
Yeah, that could be a problem. Strange that his devices do not have the same symptoms.
Most router problems is related to memory and overheating. The only logical conclusion to a router failing when x more hosts tries to connect is that there is insufficient memory. I recommend steering away from Zyxel routers.

When I get my own apartment I'm going to get myself a business grade Asus or Linksys router. Maybe I will get an Asus router at my mom's place.
I've heard of those... I think it was on
I'll definitely stay away from those.

I have a Dlink router I think... its been through a LOT and still keeps kicking.
Dlink routers are good, not my favourite router brand, but good. I would also recommend staying away from Tantec Digital routers if they exist outside of Norway. Worst router to ever exist, even worse than Zyxel routers. The wireless on that router crash a lot, and is very unstable.

Currently I'm stuck with that one at my mom's place, because the new ISP sold that one to my mom for 999 kr, and that's a lot for a shitty router. Seems like a scam. When I get my hands on an Asus router I will go to the ISP office and demand my mom's money back, if not I will start a campaign to ruin their reputation on Norwegian forums.
Might as well pick up a used router than being stuck with that Tantec.