This being "the Season" and all, we have decided that for the remainder of 2019 we will allow just anyone to make or contribute to posts. That's right! now you can post on anything you like so long as Cloisters and me like it as well!! Just think up something you would like to be criticized for posting. write it up and click post. We will do one or more of the following things: 1. Pretend we don't understand and ask silly questions. 2. post a reply that makes you wonder if we are still in the same forums! 3. Turn it into something political or religious, then alienate everyone! 4. post the lyrics to a forgotten song and insist you hum along. 5. Ignore you. (That only happens if we can't embarrass you.) 6. Wish you a happy Easter! but only if your Muslim or Jewish. 7.remind you we only have a forums if we post.":O}