Marvel's Endgame.


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Disney showed up on Roku with a free one week trial. And their prize exclusive, Endgame.

I kept thinking this is all just a comic book. But one that no page could ever contain.
It tells an enormous story with charters that evolved out of my childhood and appeared in many permutations.

Marvel mutates and transforms her prize creations at a pace you race to keep up with.
A thoughtful mixture of pastoral home life meets Godzilla with Thanes as the Zillia.

The world has been completely devastated..Half the the population of all living creatures wiped out by thanes now in possession of all five primal stones. That's half the living creatures in the entire Universe. And it's on Us. Earth's heroes failed to stop it. A lot to live with I think.

Everyone has been changed by the cataclysmic and the 5 years that have passed since Earth hero's have learned what defeat means.

Then Ant man reappears after five years vanished and bring just a single ray of hope.

And what's left of the avengers begin to assemble for the finale battle as our confidence
in these broken heroes fades and we meet the human side of these powerful beings that must tag along and pay the bills for their superhuman sides.

Really fun surprises at every turn! That prevent us from yielding to Theatrical despair.
"We will get through this." pushes the endgame though unexpected defeats to glorious victory.

So if you've retained the mind of a 12 years old and gained the heart of a 6 year old, this ones for you.":O}
This new Disney + is really shaking up on-line entertainment. AFAIK, Netflix lost all Marvel and Star Wars titles. IMHO all the DC stable is lame as hell. The problem for me is that Netflix got a good deal worse but I hate Disney because they are union busting and worker pay pikers. Plus, the great majority of Disney's own releases are unwatchable dross perhaps suited to kids only.
Check out "The finest hours". probably one of the best bio-pic ever made.

It tells the true story of a Coast guard rescue of a fighters crew broke in half by a hurricane off Nantucket .

The courage and determination of our Coast guard is really beyond my ability to comprehend.

Very few movies ever capture the moment in time as completely as "The finest hours.

Those who do not see this one are the lessor for it. Those who do will come away with a higher regard for their fellow men.The cast, writing and performances are all out of this world.
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This new Disney + is really shaking up on-line entertainment. AFAIK, Netflix lost all Marvel and Star Wars titles. IMHO all the DC stable is lame as hell. The problem for me is that Netflix got a good deal worse but I hate Disney because they are union busting and worker pay pikers. Plus, the great majority of Disney's own releases are unwatchable dross perhaps suited to kids only.
It seems odd To me that you allow the bad to negate the good.

Good old Walt stole Micky from another animator who eventually after failing to get his due killed himself.

Not a big fan of Walt.

But Walt cannot darken my joy in those things that corporate cannot touch let alone
diminish. Art is as bound to commerce as brick laying and brick laying is as much an art as
as it is commerce.

The christian story of" the tares in the field"

There was a prosperous and generous farmer. Who had planted his field in wheat.
And as was both custom and necessity he waited for the first sprouts to break ground and show green.

His foreman came running and told him that envious had also sown his fields but with weeds.

The foreman wanted to tear out the planting and begin anew.

But the Master of the field said no.

We will wait until weed and wheat have grow so we know what is weed and what is wheat. Then at harvest we can separate the good from the bad.

This story maybe the first admonishment to not trow the baby out with the bath water.
This fable also speaks to the question "Why would a good God allow evil to prosper.

So that not a single grain of planted wheat will be lost to harvest.
Once the good has been gathered, plenty of time to dispose of weeds.

It also points out that the master knows what evil is done in his fields. As well the Master knows how to properly tend his field to bring forth a successful harvest.

Knowing these things we may be

"at play in the fields of the Lord"
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Do you mean "The finest hours" made in 2016? If so rates it at 6.7, but they are not always right.
In as much as I always am, you should listen to me! LOL

Sign in get a free week of viewing and tell me what you think.

I have watched it 4 times now, each time it goes by far faster than I would like. It's themes on courage, reputation and love resonate more deeply within me each time.. This is one perfect movie based on one perfect night of terror. When one man decides that it was better that we be together in life or death than it is to survive alone.

"We all live or we all die"

This is one of my top ten movies of all time, Right up there with to Kill a mocking bird and
Saturday night fever! LMAO

(Just wanted to see if your paying attention! ":O}

BTW, you need a new and better ratings service! LOL

Picture a night at sea in a hurricane , picture your ship broken in half.
Your beyond hope of anything but rescue..But who would put to sea on such a night to save you?

Trust me you want to meet Barney Weber who on that night brought into being the "Greatest small boat rescue" in our Coast guards history.

But Barney is more than a hero. He was a man who absolutely refused to allow the ties that bind us to be broken.

Barry Weber was a man for all seasons.
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