Look what I found - For TCG Fans out there


I was surfing the web for some interesting games like I always do on week ends.
And I found this browser based Trading Card Game called "Elements".-
Seems fun and easy to learn, plus its FREE and because is browser based runs on Linux without any problem (ofc I have flash player installed on my firefox).
If you like to play Magic The Gathering then "Forge" is another game that you might like to check out. "Forge" is a java based game that lets you play against your computer using most of the rules of a real game.
And again... Its free and runs on Linux directly.

Hope you like it.-
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Thanks for the link, I'm not a card game gamer, but love hearing about new free-to-play games.
Oh I see... Well my main idea was to let other Linux Gamers know about them.
I do like TCG Games and "Elements" looks very nice to me (I mean, easy to learn and play).-

Today my boy gave me another link with more TCG Games that run on Linux.
Here is the link:
Some you must pay, others are free.

Forgotten Myths is on Steam and its free too (and you can play it without Steam if you want).
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You come bearing gifts!
Thank you for sharing your discoveries!
Everyone has their favorite type of game play.

The best anyone can do is share their favorites
Those who do that, I think, will always be welcome
and find a home where ever they go.

So, like, welcome home..
.Did I tell you that that's my picture, my avatar I mean.
That's me before we had cameras...Alright, alright...
That's me before we had pencils,
obviously before we erasers as well!.":O}.
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No way, that couldn't be you Daniel.... I swore it was Socrates
Hey maybe we should create a thread to introduce ourselves.
With real pictures and let others know what kinda games or interests we have.
Just a thought... Of course its not going to be mandatory... But I would like to know the faces of my new linux friends.-
Sure, I don't really have a recent photo, but I can grab one off of facebook
Nope! That's Methuselah, oldest man in the bible....
Back then we just drew each others faces in the dirt with sticks..

We all kinda came out looking pretty much the same ya know, so to save on dirt and sticks I just sorta borrowed his picture.

(I know he was the one who set an age limit for getting into the bible! He did just to keep us old guys out!)
Sure, why not post pictures, I no doubt will have censor Boo's first few attempts to "post of himself".
But the rest of you guys and gals seem like reasonable people.
Picture postages are welcome!