Linux Professional Institute puts Linux in the classrooms

At the enterprise level, linux skills have been, if not a 'must have' at least 'highly desirable' for a while now, mainly because linux has been eating the traditional unix market. Linux has also been eating into the embedded market, which has traditionally been the domain of 'home-grown' systems provided by a small handful of vendors. Linux also has a solid foothold in the virtualization market, since the whole point of virtualization is that the guest doesn't even CARE who the host is. Obviously web/mail/ftp services have been a strong point for linux for quite some time.

The biggest market for linux to crack in the Enterprise is in the realm of Enterprise Mail, and Authentication, mainly because Microsoft have done an excellent job of integrating these items into the windows platform in a more-or-less seamless way, and quite frankly the state of enterprise-class mail services on Linux leaves a lot to be desired, at least from what I've seen. Couple that with Microsoft's Active Directory, and the lack of REAL competition for Microsoft's Office suite (and please, OpenOffice/LibreOffice is good for basic stuff, but for the more advanced/intensive stuff, fuggedaboudit), and Windows is on the desktop and in the Enterprise for a while yet.