I'm trying to launch Star Wars EaW Forces of Corruption with MODPATH=Mod\MYMOD in the arguments. But ' \ ' character will not stay. I guess it isn't a supported PoL argument character. Does anyone know a way with either a Launcher shortcut or a script that I can have; playonlinux --run "swfoc" , launch with the argument MODPATH=Mod\MYMOD? The windows shortcut would look like this: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\swfoc.exe" MODPATH=Mod\MYMOD
The \ character mostly used to indicate a special character in most programming languages as well as bash commands. If you add another \ then it might work, so I would suggest you try that.
OK, that was weird. But thanks a million for the suggestion. It loaded the mod I changed MODPATH=Mod\ACM2.4 to MODPATH=Mod\\ACM2.4 and when I exited that screen and went back to see if it had kept the changes it had this: 'MODPATH=Mods\ACM2.4' and it is working. I guess the single quotes around it make a difference.
The reason for this is that \ is used to indicate special characters such as tabs, newlines and the like. tab = \t newline = \n in a lot of programming languages, including bash. In order to just use the \ character, you must first use one \ to indicate that you will use a special character, then another \ Glad to hear it works for you. I assume PoL simply changed it like that so insert properly into the executable.
Its so frustrating to simulate a "windows path" in a Linux Path. Linux likes forward slashes / Windows likes backward slashes \ Linux like no spaces Windows Likes spaces So if you have spaces and backslashes there are way to show Linux paths and command line. Like Daerandin said, you can use two backslashes. For spaces in the "windows path" just use a backslash Code: /home/username/my\ games/dins\ curse