Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
Iron Maiden is releasing an RPG for iOS and Android


However, I do have my doubts about mobile games as I don't see those games as anything but something to pass the time with. Mobile also offer even worse controls than console, so I don't think that RPG is well suited for the platform.
I completely agree! I hope they consider PC and Linux because it would be hell-a-fun to play as Eddie in an RPG with some Maiden in the background.
My favorite will always be Seventh Son, but I used to have the Killers tape (Before Bruce Dickenson) and couldn't stop listening to it. I love Fear of the Dark as well. I even liked Bruce's solo albums too.
It would be difficult to pick a favorite among their albums. All of the albums from their "golden era" (Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, Powerslave, Somewhere in Time, Seventh Son) are awesome, but I may have to pick the same as Booman. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is probably my favorite. I have seen them live once several years ago, it was a special tour where they primarily played their old songs, mostly from the first four albums, which was awesome.
Sigh, OK, I may have to go review my Maiden collection.

Still, you gotta admit that the scream on Number of the Beast is just amazing!
I like their newer stuff as well....
I even bought that album when Bruce was off doing his own thing... that was painful