What would a new forums be without me wandering around lost and looking for help! As This is a problem I've had before and ThundeRd has solved for me in the past...I've taken a few pics i the hope he can spot what I've done wrong or neglected to do.
Looks like you have the client residing in a different directory now. It's not in /home/daniel /.FAHClient anymore. Change the alias to the new path: /home/daniel/folding Log out, and back in. Then try the alias again.
This Is Mint 15 folders, I can see the difference between the Mint 14 and the Mint 15, I just don't know what to do to fix 15.
Sorry about the pictures, I enlarge then in my files to make them more viewable, but they post here as being very small. I'll try full screen settings in Xen
Did you try what I told you to do in my previous post? Did it not work? If not, then in 15... Code: ls -al ~
I'm sorry...I tried to fake it to avoid having to tell you I don't know what an "Alias" is. I know I need the Fah seem in my Mint 14 home folder, but I don't remember how to get it there... You can give up on me now if you like without recriminations on my part. ":O}
Code: cd /home/daniel rm client.cfg rm FAHlog.txt rm fah6 Then: open .bashrc in your text editor, and change the path in the line that begins with 'alias' It says /home/daniel/.FAHclient now. It must say /home/daniel/folding, because that is where you put the client files this time. After you change the .bashrc file, you have to log out and back in, or reboot for the changes to be seen by the OS. After you reboot, try to start the client in your usual way, by typing 'fah'
Indeed it is! ":O} One last favour...on this topic! LOL Would you edit the following, pair it down to what I actually need to get up and running...I think I have to many un-needed steps and that I'm getting lost in my own instructions! mkdir -p ~/folding cd ~/folding curl -O http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/release/FAH6.34-Linux64.tgz tar xzf FAH6.34-Linux64.tgz After the FAH client is downloaded, the client needs to be configured. Please run these 2 commands: chmod +x fah6 ./fah6 -configonly -smp After the client is configured, there are different methods for starting the FAH client. The most basic method is to enter in following command: Search for, if not found: Dan - try creating a .bashrc file in your /home/daniel directory. Paste this line into it: Code: alias fah='cd /home/daniel/.FAHClient && ./fah6 -smp -verbosity 9' Then reboot and try it. Type: fah Code: cd /home/daniel rm client.cfg rm FAHlog.txt rm fah6 Then: open .bashrc in your text editor, and change the path in the line that begins with 'alias' It says /home/daniel/.FAHclient now. It must say /home/daniel/folding, because that is where you put the client files this time. After you change the .bashrc file, you have to log out and back in, or reboot for the changes to be seen by the OS. After you reboot, try to start the client in your usual way, by typing 'fah' http://www.aoaforums.com/forum/wind...1023-a-recurring-problem-fha-mint-update.html
Everything is correct until this part: First, the rm commands I gave you were to remove some files that you placed in the wrong location somehow. All of the client files should be in the same directory, as a sub-directory of ~. These commands should not be part of the directions, assuming that you place the client files into the right directory. Never in the root of /home/daniel/ As for the .bashrc file, your instructions should say: Code: Paste this line into it, but *MAKE SURE* the path to the client files is correct: alias fah='cd /home/daniel/NAME_OF_CLIENT_DIRECTORY_HERE && ./fah6 -smp -verbosity 9' Other than those comments, those directions should work every time.