I am alive!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I last posted here. I have had to focus on life recently, as well as a very demanding job. I am currently in a bit of a transition period here. I have decided to trade away any spare time for the next three years in exchange for much better job opportunities once those three years are over. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is one of very few universities in Norway that offer fully web based Bachelor degrees. This is of course free as well, as all universities are here. I am taking a Bachelor in Informatics. The only Bachelor in this field that was fully online is not completely focused on programming and instead focus a bit more on administration and economics. However, I have the option to take additional subjects. I intend to take additional subjects in Linux system administration and C++ as I hope it will help in finding jobs I want.

This is a regular university degree, which means I have just as much to do as a regular student. This has turned out to be quite demanding to combine with a full time job that often require me to work overtime. However, I am confident that once this becomes daily routine then I will not longer feel as overwhelmed as I do now. I have managed to follow along with mandatory assignments so far without issues.

I'm late to get a proper education, but at least I'll have the bachelor by the time I turn 35. Hopefully not too late to get into a different line of work. Working as a Teamleader in a distribution warehouse is not something I want to keep doing for the rest of my life, it is a far too stressful job.

So that's what's been up with me lately. I have not abandoned this website, I just don't have as much time anymore.
Hey Dearandin! Good to hear from you!

Dude, it's NEVER too late to get an education!
It is great to see you on the board, Daerandin! My hat is of to you, you should be proud of taking on extra work to make your life better! Iirc, school in Europe is much more difficult than what we have here. I recall three hours of homework every freakin' school night in high school over there. Seems that some authorities on this side of the Atlantic are protesting against homework. Dunno the merits of their argument.
Yet ALL of your education is "homework." I applaud your bravery! Please keep us up to date if you can find the time.
"Life takes the thoughtful man on a path of many windings."

Great to see you moving toward a better future. Also quite nice to have you here again.

Funny thing is...I thought of you as part of my on-line education":O}

Hope you can stay in touch. But will understand if that doesn't happen as often as I would like!
I'll do my best to stay in touch.

The only thing I regret about this is that I can't really spend much time on my own projects. I still manage to find a little bit of time to play games, which has helped to keep my sane when I felt the most overwhelmed. At the moment things don't seem too bad, I'm able to follow along quite nicely. I think I just need to adjust to my new routine.

I'll definitely stay in touch as often as I can.
School work comes first, congratulations for taking on the extra responsibility. We always love to see your posts. I agree with Daniel, you are definitely part of my on-line education too!
Hey Daerandin! Glad to hear you are doing well.
Yes, keep gaming because it is therapy when you are overwhelmed and frustrated. Its great to kill some baddies to sooth your soul.