How are you guys!!!???


Sorry im not around much these last 2 months. But Im working at a bar/pub in my city.
Got a job as manager in one of the nicest and coolest pub in town.
The bad side is that i work night shifts. :( But i still play my games when is day off.
I can see Booman keeps doing his awesome guides!!!!
Best regards from Buenos Aires - Argentina
We are doing pretty good. Things are slow around here, but that isn't always a "bad thing"
I'm glad you are working at a job you like. I could never do night-shifts... no way!
Stay away from the creeps out there!

Glad to hear you are still gaming...
I'm playing Shadow of Mordor... and... LOVING IT!
Hello Lorena!
Great to hear from you again! very glad you found work you enjoy, not an easy thing to do!

Also happy that you remembered us and found time in what must be a very busy life to say hello and catch us up on all things Lorena.
We remain small, but that as Boo points out, can let those who are here to get to know one another.

Ya got any pets to grace your life? I have Addicus a black and white cat that found us in our woodland home during a snow storm. He seems to like us well enough. ":O}

I also live with Jamaica a small South American Lilac crowned Parrot. Talks up a storm when she's in the mood.
Do come as often as your time allows you.
Just think! Now would be a great time to say hello to Daniel ~ and his friends...
Then if you have time you can tell me who my friends really are! ":O}