hello guys how are you doing????


Hello All you Gamers!
How have you been?
Me, working like a chinesse so i dont have much time to play games to be honest.
I changed from ubuntu 14.04 to Mint 18.2 Cinnamon 64 bits and my new video card is an Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 TI 2GB.-
I was able to reinstall most of my games thanks to Daerandin's help (he helped me with Dotnet problems) but....
I installed Divinity 2 Ego Draconis just like the last time:
Created a new virtual drive
Selected Wine 1.8 (I tried with Wine 2.18 Staging too)
Configured wine to run as win7
Selected resolution for desktop 1280x768
Instalation is 32 bits like always
Installed dxfullsetup
But when i try to open the .exe file I get a message saying Playonlinux crashed.
Honestly I dont know what Im doing wrong, maybe you can give me some expert advice?
Thanks in advance Lorena
Hi Lorena! Thanks for stopping by!
Ironically I am posting a Divinity 2 Directors Cut guide this Friday.

I was able to get it running with Wine 2.0.2 and the only problems I'm having is the cutscenes.
Otherwise it plays fine!

Well honestly I don't know. I'm going to try again when I get home from work.
Maybe is the wine version or maybe the. ISO file I'm using.
I don't remember what playonlinux version I'm actually using but I think it is the last one.

Plus I'm going to use a GOG versión.
In my previous install the cut scenes didn't work too.
Hope it works.
Hugs from Argentina
Yeah, could be the ISO. I would recommend extracting the ISO to a folder and installing it from there.
My guide is for the Steam version of Divinity II Directors Cut, but shouldn't be too different than the GOG version.

I have a feeling the cutscenes could be fixed by setting Windows to Windows XP and then installing Windows Media Player 9 or 10. All the video's are WMI files, so that should play them, but I haven't tested this yet.
Hello again
I used the .exe file from GOG and worked perfectly.
Thanks for the help Booman and let me know if you find a way to play those cutscenes.