Dirt 2 after years

I don't remember when I bought Dirt 2 on steam. Tried playing but after installing Windows Live takes over and you cannot save unless you have a WL account. I have a recent WL one but hey I cannot use that as my steam D2 key was locked on a different account that I haven't used in years. If one cannot login, microsoft does not allow saving the game therefore the game is unplayable. This next song is dedicated to Microsoft, the whole $hitty company and all who have contributed to its failure on so many levels!

Good thing I did some reading and found out this on steam:


"Like an unpopular and neglected combination of game client, social platform and DRM system, Games for Windows Live is fast approaching its ultimate shutdown. Oh, hold on, that wasn't a clever analogy. That's what Games for Windows Live is. In preparation for its sort-of announced shutdown, a variety of games have been looking at ways to hack off the dying flesh, in the hope that such self-amputation will stop the creep of necrotic tissue, thus ensuring the survival of the host. Okay, that was a better analogy.

Codemasters have become the latest developer to announce their detachment plans, confirming over Twitter that a GfW:Live free version of rally racer Dirt 3 was being worked on."

Please don't stay in touch Microsoft, you are just like the name says!
I can't believe Windows users are just as angry with Games for Windows Live as the rest of us!
its actually kinda funny and ironic.
I've had several problems with Windows games in PlayOnLinux due to GFWL
  • Bioshock2
  • Fable 3
  • Divinity 2
1. Bought Alan Wake American Nightmare DLC for XBOX360 while I was in UK. Arriving in NA it simply dissapeared after the first update of the XBOX. I call them and they said to me the game is sitting nice for me in their UK servers and if I go back to UK I will be able to play it. It is a bit like arriving somewhere just to realize your clothes you bought are gone and you are naked in the airport because your clothes only work in UK.
2. I haven't learned my lesson and payed $6 for a Halo touch special game for my RT 8.1 tablet. It tries to connect to my xbox account and fails miserably. Microsoft useless help desk teleports me from one department to another and in the end they decide to give my money back since a Microsoft game running on a Microsoft product isn't actually able to connect to a microsoft account in order to be able to fkg save the game. Idiots
3. I had some issues with the tablet due to their incompetent and untested released updates and I was beginning to think that it was due to the tablet having some problems. Then baaaam, a firmware update and all was well.

I have more stories about the incompetence of their help desk employees but its getting boring so I will end this by saying

~~~~~~I will never buy another microsoft product, ever!~~~~~~~
Wow really!!!??? :eek:
Microsoft wouldn't even offer you a conversion for Alan Wake? Come On! You paid for it, so if you move from one country to another there should be a solution.

I just spent 6 hours over the weekend downgrading Office 2007 to Office 2003 because Microsoft is auditing the company I work for. Yeah, going backwards 10 years... what a joke

We all know it, but I'm going to say it...
"Its all about money when it comes to Microsoft"