I have 6 computers in LAN for gaming. Every single PC has Mint 18 installed and the base setup:
In fact, this should make it possible to migrate the Wine versions, resources (Components/Packages), shortcuts and wineprefixes all in one copy/paste.
Last weekend I copied the .PlayOnLinux directory from machine 1 to all the rest of the machines, but I'm getting some errors when launching the games. I'm getting Wine mismatch errors and strange "can't find executable" in a strange path like this:
I have a work-around, which is to move the drive_c and registry files to a temp folder, created the wineprefix again and move them back. I would have to do this 5 times for every game on all 5 PC's... so not exactly making it easy, but its quicker than installing the games from scratch again.
I also noticed some of the folder permissions were messed up. For example: Some of the folder groups showed: nogroup
So I used Terminal and ran this command:
That seemed to work with permissions and applying them recursively. Is there a better way to ensure the .PlayOnLinux child permissions are inherited correctly?
Any suggestions?
- Same Updates
- Same Username
- PlayOnLinux
- Steam
- 32-bit Libraries
- Chrome
In fact, this should make it possible to migrate the Wine versions, resources (Components/Packages), shortcuts and wineprefixes all in one copy/paste.
Last weekend I copied the .PlayOnLinux directory from machine 1 to all the rest of the machines, but I'm getting some errors when launching the games. I'm getting Wine mismatch errors and strange "can't find executable" in a strange path like this:
This is from memory, but what is with the "unix" and the double slashes?Can't find L "unix/home/booman//.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix//battlefield2//drive_c/Program Files//EA Games//Battlefield 2//BF2.exe"
I have a work-around, which is to move the drive_c and registry files to a temp folder, created the wineprefix again and move them back. I would have to do this 5 times for every game on all 5 PC's... so not exactly making it easy, but its quicker than installing the games from scratch again.
I also noticed some of the folder permissions were messed up. For example: Some of the folder groups showed: nogroup
So I used Terminal and ran this command:
sudo chown :booman -R
That seemed to work with permissions and applying them recursively. Is there a better way to ensure the .PlayOnLinux child permissions are inherited correctly?
Any suggestions?