Citys XL Platinum


I checked Someone got it working but unfortunately they didn't bother to post dependences. Nothing in PLO forums except my post which says I am going to try it. Looks like I get to play gene pig first for this one. :)
I checked Someone got it working but unfortunately they didn't bother to post dependences. Nothing in PLO forums except my post which says I am going to try it. Looks like I get to play gene pig first for this one. :)
I for got to add its 75% off on Steam this week end $10.20!
I posted another pic to my flicker account that shows part of Kubuntu City. Flicker didn't like the other photo. Gwenview has no problem displaying it so it must be Flicker. I can use the arrow keys now. I don't know why but they started working. Steam just updated the game so, maybe they found a bug. The game bogs down in a few places but then I am using my laptop. Lol. Looks pretty good even with this laptop. It can handle HDMI resolution. I also got the 2012 and 2011 versions of this game in the same $10.20 package. Sweet deal hu?
Very nice, this is the way I approach untested games as well. Look in the game folder for "extras" or "redist" something like that. You should be able to find what packages the game needs.
Otherwise, stick to the standard:
  • d3dx9
  • vcrun2005
  • vcrun2008
  • msxml3
  • corefonts
  • tahoma
Looks like a Civ type of game. Can you terraform the land?
I don't think so but then I just started play testing so maybe I'll see something later. I saw a EA agrement when I installed so they probably are a distributor for the games. I think the game devs. are called Frontier or something.
Focus huh? Do you know what engine they are using or is it custom built?
I think its LUA or something like that. I here from other people that it's a lousy engine. The game is a bit sluggish on my laptop. Lol.
Ok, I'll try to look it up and see what I can find about it and Wine.
All games are sluggish on my laptop, even facebook games.