Christian Distro!


I have a friend that is a missionary. He uses Christian software in his ministry. So, to help him out I worked on and assembled an operating system that boots from a flash drive. I used all free stuff. I can make identical usb's from an image. So, far I am only able to do this on 8gb drives. More learning on that is needed.
I used:
1. Knoppix 7.2.0
2. Xiphos
3. Bibletime
4. e-sword
Xiphos, Bibletime, and E-sword are bible readers and research tools. Xiphos and Bibletime are native for linux and e-sword is Windows. E-sword I got running in Playonlinux. I also make some bookmarks on the browser for Bible research tools.
All of it works great!
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Yes, please package it as an ISO
I would love to give it a try!
What desktop manager does Knoppix use?
It uses all the major desktops depending on which download. It'll get with you offline. Maybe mail you a flash drive. The image for the iso is close to 8gb. May have to do with some kind of overlay that makes it persistent. Not sure.
It uses all the major desktops depending on which download. It'll get with you offline. Maybe mail you a flash drive. The image for the iso is close to 8gb. May have to do with some kind of overlay that makes it persistent. Not sure.
8 gigs, Wow why is it so big?
I think the size is because of Knoppix or my misunderstanding of "overlay". Overlay it seems spans the whole drive data, no data, all of it. I didn't see another way to do it but maybe there is.
i have no idea because i have never packaged a distro before.
Knoppix has CD and DVD versions of their distro, so you should be able to make it smaller than 8 Gigs, but I obviously don't know how
You did give me a search word "packaged". That might help. The good thing is I could start over. But it works like it is.
no problem, just was wondering why it turned out to be so large...
It works but... I have tried it on different computers. On one machine the OS didn't shut down properly and came up with an error while plugged into another. I could not fix it. Lack of knowledge. So I restored it.
Knoppix can run on a fat32 format. It occurred to me that maybe a linux format would be better or stable. If so what?
Also I think I can resize this image. We shall see.........
I think I may rebuild this maybe better.
I have UCE on disc and liked it. But doesn't do well on low end computers and have to use something like unetbootin to boot. UCE is also slow on usb. Knoppix and Prometheus Linux much better. Prometheus LXE is super fast and looks real good but is slackware.
Very nice! So it will fit on a 4 Gig flash drive?
Yes it will. Maybe even smaller. Since my linuxFu is weak, I don't know how big this installed size is. I guess 1gb to 2gb.
Ps... I am writing this wireless on my Raspberry Pi. I finally got a usb hub to work. Can't be sure why but it finally did.
Keyboard won't work off the Hub. Mouse, wireless doohicky, and flash drive will.
Using your Rasberry Pi huh? I'm so jealous!
One day I tell ya, one day!
I getting a better idea about this Distro idea. For instance Puppy Linux. I had some trouble with hardware recognition. Maybe because I am not familiar with it. Some Slackware distros are fast with low system requirements but I again lack knowledge. There is a whole lot to think about.
Yeah, I've had the same experience with hardware.
I've been able to boot Fedora on almost all hardware, but even the newer versions might have a hard time with old hardware.
I found that Mint Cinnamon has a hard time with different hardware too, but Mint KDE seems to work well on old hardware.

I'm not sure if there is a distro that works on all hardware or not?
I have been working on this in another direction with Suse Studio. I did get Xiphos Bible program on the distribution but have not figured out how to get the modules installed. But the disto size is around 647mb and works.