I'm doing two native Linux guides for Quake 4 and Quake Wars but for some strange reason I can't do screenshots. PrtScrn doesn't work because the game takes over the Cinnamon. I can't even switch do another desktop or Ctrl+Alt+Tab It seems I'm locked into the game. There is a built-in F12 screenshot function and the console shows screenshot/0001.tga but I can't find it. So I'm guessing its not working. Any ideas to get some screenshots of these games?
i use KDE. I hated KSnapshot due to it being so obtrusive when taking screenshots. I installed scrot (apt-get install scrot) Edited my global shortcuts in KDE with mkdir ~/screenshots Assign PrnScrn hotkey with this command (doesn't have to be print screen button) Code: scrot ~/screenshots/%Y-%m-%d-%T-screenshot.png I know this doesn't.... really answer your question but... scrot works... 90% of the time. So yea, try with scrot, find how to assign global shortcuts in cinnamon and you'll probably be way better off. In any case, you could try recording the game with simplescreenrecorder
If all else fails, you could simply make a script that takes screenshots using scrot as mentioned, or even imagemagick can do it. Say taking a screenshot every x minutes or so, saving them to your home folder. You could run the script, start the game and play for a while. Then quit and see if you got any nice screenshots. Of course this would be a bit tedious, but at least it should work if all else fails.
Tedious is fine because I just need a few decent screenshots for the guide. This is the first time I've made a guide for a Native Linux game, so I might as well learn how to do it. I made a bash script to do continuous screenshots and it works, but it keeps overwriting the original screenshot. How can I make scrot rename each screenshot?
Nevermind, Allen was correct in his post. The time stamp allows each name to be unique, so it will create a new screenshot every time. Works beautifully!