Can someone please help me install enb and Loot in skyrim?


New Member
Im using playonlinux with wine staging, i have Skyrim installed with mod organizer and aprox 40 mods i want to install enb and enb boost and also loot for the mods order, amyone can help? , what are the files that i need for enb? what dll do i have to overide with wine?
I have only installed one Mod in Skyrim (The retexture mod in Steam) and it worked.
I have not tested ENB or anything else.

I've read that a lot of mods work really well, but the more mods the more bugs.

To install Mods, I think you just have to download the esp file and put it in the correct directory. If the mod has an installer, just use PlayOnLinux Configure and go to Miscellaneous Tab and click "Run a .exe file in this virtual drive"