Bioshock Infinite makes it into Linux~


Active Member

Just today they made the game available. The game is fantastic if you haven't checked it out!
I noticed some posts on reddit about this. I can't believe it!
If they port the first two then that is two more of my guides that are obsolete!

I've been waiting to do a guide for Infinite, but now it appears I won't need to
Yes it is! Another AAA game in Linux doesn't hurt at all ;)
I just noticed it this morning as well.
It will take about 8 hours to download, but I might try it
There is an article on about Bioshock Infinite being another eON wrapper port to Linux.
We all remember The Witcher 2 eON wrapper that had lots of problems.
Daerandin even said that The Witcher 2 ran better in PlayOnLinux.
Hopefully this won't be common practice...

I've read people claiming that running Window$ games in Wine is much easier than developers making native ports.
So some developers will have to decide which is better/worse for their game.

I'm also curious if developers consider "wrappers" when they do Mac ports?
What's on GamingOnLinux is just mere speculation:

So, will BioShock use eON to run on Linux? I don't really know. This article is mostly just speculation and I might just very well be paranoid and completely wrong here.

The guys behind The Witcher 2 are pretty awful. It just gets worse if you consider that the relationship with the company and the community is pretty darn toxic. Someone should have taught them some basic public relations skills before going walking into the fire... (although it's pretty rare to see humility in developers these days)

I personally don't have problems with wrappers. Like I've said before on the The Witcher 2 matter, if a company chooses to wrap their application with WINE they have to support it until everyone gets decent FPS and stability. It's not that same as me installing an application with WINE. I can report bugs and they have to take care of them.
Good point... and I totally agree!
What about my question about Mac and wrappers? Are developers using them as well, or is the Mac gaming community large enough to be considered profit?
Some studios have decided to use wrappers. Like for example the people behind Dragon Age 2 "ported" the game to mac. They use the technology from Transgaming which were the people behind Cedega (which is like Crossover).

Link of the work here:

I wish CDProjekt chose Transgaming rather than VR to do The Witcher 2. Transgaming HAS a track record of games/applications. We don't know much of VR at all besides bringing awful ports. They'll probably rebrand their company once the dust settles I guess.

P.S I should add that Cider is completely optimized for Mac. I wish they provided support for GNU/Linux like in the old days :/
Ok, its good to know we are not completely alone.
Sounds like we are re-living the Mac gaming experience
I just hope the Linux community would stop being so Mac-arrogant and just enjoy the freedom