These Asian hornets are now established locally, over 30 nests found and destroyed so far this year. The hunt and kill pollinators such as bees which is a significant problem. They build nests just about anywhere from the ground up. The photo show 2 hornets in a pheromone trap, plus a bunch of wasps.
Across the pond we're Seeing hundreds of invasive species. Wild life experts are going crazy trying to reestablish the balance. Everything from Hogs to snakes to insects. Zika being one on a dozen maladies that are coming from the south. It's pretty much hopeless as nature is finding her self a new balance So far it seems that once a new species is here, it's here to stay. Be grateful we don't have the toads that invaded Australian country side.
We've just had to ban the landing of endangered Bluefin tuna by sports fishermen. Never caught before, so it wasn't illegal. Then a pair of idiots went out and caught one, presumably after reading about French fishermen catching them near here.
Tuna can go for up to a hundred thousand bucks in Japan. Here in the Northwest we have eel fishermen/finders that are making a hundred thousand bucks of a single bucket of eels! Seems that if it's rare we will pay anything to kill it and eat it. A bit off topic, but What's the average elevation in Jersey? Are you have to watch the shore with trepidation?
The problem with endangered tuna is that the big Japanese players are intentionally trying to fish them to extinction, whilst packing their freezers full of it in big warehouses. Where I live is close to sea level.
Looks like we ALL have to watch any nearby oceanic coastline carefully. Lots of news about the horrors of Florence, mostly unbelievable rainfall and storm surge. No news about the climate change that's OBVIOUSLY making hurricanes bigger and much worse. So glad that climate change is all a myth from China. You tell 'em trumpwad!
The island is 469 foot at its highest point, and much of it is granite that doesn't really erode. It's pretty much impossible for low lying areas to flood heavily, except for a couple of hours. The sea retreats so you don't have to. There can be a 30 foot difference between high and low tide, on a big tide.
Glad to hear your not to likely to float away...I don't have that many friends that I can afford to have them washing away on me":O}
Nonetheless, they will have to spend a lot on improved sea defenses. But, I'd be more concerned about flooding along the French coastline here, where they have all their nuclear installations.
North Carolina now has it's very own flooded Nuclear plant. Can't get in, can't get out and there's an undisclosed problem, though we might know what's going on there by now. This shall be carefully added (Not!) to the flooded pig shit storage ponds and coal ash ponds that are now flowing thought several large towns,,, May God be kind to them. Sigh... We need a new class of engineers.