Adobe Acrobat Reader?


Hi friends and neighbors, does Adobe Acrobat Reader work in Mint 17.3? I ask because I found out that the complete (or so they say) collection of the "National Lampoon" magazines is available on DVD--but Acrobat Reader is required. Saw "Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead," the story of the magazine last night. I got a lot of good laughs from the mag over the years. It was twisted but often good "clean" fun.
Evince should be loaded on Mint, and it can read PDFs. I've not encountered any problems with PDF documents using it.
Does the website require the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in to view them?

If you can download them, you can view any PDF in Linux without Acrobat Reader
I frequently view PDFs right from within the browser. I'm using Chrome though, let me check that behavior on FF.

[edit]Yup, same thing in FF. I suppose someone could be brain-dead enough to code a website to SPECIFICALLY look for the acrobat plugin, but that seems like it would be a huge pain to do for no benefit, and I've not encountered any sites that actually do that. Not saying there aren't any, just that I haven't encountered any. Seems somewhat self-defeating to do so, though.[/edit]
Good news, thank you booman and Gizmo. The only catch is that the .pdf's will be on a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. No DLing will be possible.
Actually, that's even better, because you'll be running them directly from the drive. Just open your file manager, browse over to the CD, double click on the file you want to view, et voila!