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Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

Discussion in 'Random Nonsense' started by Daniel~, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure.

  2. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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  3. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Consider, He might be on a mission.
    some one said " No man can believe the good God means him."

    Grandfather dies, Father dies, son dies.

    And that's when things go well.

    That;s the natural order of things.

    So there's cause to hope you shall bounce your grand kids on your knee and see them graduate collage. This to is the natural order of things.

    They will weep at your funeral, They will tell stories of you to your decedents.
    And all the while your death will be a part of you, to remind you how very precious this all is.

    But no promise has been given, no deals can be made. Our deaths were born when we were.They were in attendance in all our comings and goings.
    Trust me as we enter advanced age death seems quite familiar.
    Like your shadow death only momentary blocks the light.

    We need death as a butterfly needs it's cocoon.

    Death is the road to AWE!

    That grave unease that we feel when contemplating our own end is in fact the beginning of AWE as we turn to the face of Eternity.
  4. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Great song, great intro.":O}
  5. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    One does not need faith to die, one needs faith to die well.
    One does not need faith to live, only to live well.

    Your not in a universe of pain, you are in a George of pain.
    I walk to same world as you. I see all the horrors you see.
    I am troubled as you are by the evil that surrounds us.

    This world is not heaven, this world is not hell. This world
    is ruled by law. The same law brings forth both good and evil alike into the light of day. But God wishes only the Good, but the good can only be born of free choice.

    There is a war being fought all across creation.

    "We didn't start the fire
    no we didn't light it
    we tried to fight"

    This is what we are faced with. A world gone wrong.
    God's insistence that we shall have free will;
    Will raise us up to the heavens or cast us down in our own personal hells.

    We need not die to experience either heaven or Hell....AS you yourself have pointed out.

    As my writings have tried to remind my readers We can serve in heaven or fight to rule in hell. Everyone who wishes it can rule in hell. All hells are personal.

    All heavens are shared.
    This world forces the choice.

    Here is how the battle is being joined.

    Those who give their lives to love are beset on all sides by
    the iniquity of evil men who seek the destruction of all that is good and beautiful in this world.
    All that God has brought forth he placed in harms way to Give you and I a chance to have a chance to choose true and everlasting love.

    Love is not at stake, we who wish to love are.

    We are very simply armed for this battle. We were not given weapons to fight with
    We were given choice.
    We all face the same question which will always settle our personal fates.

    Will we in the face of horror and bloody mayhem choose a life of love?

    It is choice the brings forth hate and carnage.
    It is choice that brings forth forgiveness and restitution.

    The great deceiver would have us believe that we have no choice.
    We at times deceive ourselves into believing our choice doesn't matter.

    But George you have a choice and your choice is ALL that matters.

    Your choices have made a hell of your life and nothing in creation
    can make you change your choice.

    He who creates all,. moment by moment, Will if need be sacrifice all he wished to create in you to protect your choice, even from his own loving heart..

    We need only look at the fate of this beautiful world to know he means business!

    So I think it folly to blame God for what we have freely chosen to do with our freedom.

    All real choices have this watermark. All real choices have consequences.
    Your pain now is the consequence of your choices then.

    That you still have choice is not your doing. The great maker battles for you.
    He fight all of his own creation just so you can choose.

    The outcome of that battle is never in doubt. He will have his way with us.
    But many are they who will parish by their choices.

    Will they be given another chance be shown another way?

    Some feel that this is what reincarnation is all about, another chance to have a chance at love.

    My view is that every choice we make is reincarnation.
    Reincarnation into heaven or hell, but mitigated by this living world so that we are never completely saved nor completely lost by any one decision.

    George consider this...He put you in my path. He put me in your path.
    If we are to walk together we will have to choose to do so.
    Come my way George, come by me.

    We have an entire world that can only be Saved by our love for her.
    Trust in the spirit that made you.

    Pick up the spear of those who have fallen for it is only the fallen who shall rise.
    Gorge it is time for you to join the battle I am a beating drum calling you to war.

    War on hatred, war upon doubt war to win the peace.
    War to join the armies of heaven seeking to save all that can be saved.
    In this finite world we must fight if we wish to know the infinite love of a creative God.Who wishes us to be God like in our loving.

    The Christians have this commandment:

    "Love, then you may do as you will."

    When you drown yourself in the evil of this world, you turn your back upon your god given right to choose.

    I have tried to speak to your confusion for clarity finds love.

    You and I are fortunate for we travel in the company of good men.
    We have this place to in which to gather.

    Many are they who must sit alone with their choice.
    Who must battle within as God battles across all of the heavens.

    As he brought us forth from great balls of fire burning in his heavens
    They must bring forth and reveal to the world the choices they make.

    You must give up your war against God as he fights only to preserve you and your choices.

    "I'm not trying to set the world on fire
    I just trying to start a flame in your heart."

    George, Love finds peace beyond all understanding.
    To love God turns a smiling face.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  6. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    In love all our hopes reside.

  7. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Thank you for being in my life, Dan. I have a catalogue of pain yet how can it be more severe than those who have truly difficult lives? You make me laugh at myself, Thank You!
  8. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    What a fantastic song! Listen to it again if you somehow missed the magic.
  9. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    No one ever said gaining a life of peace and love was going to be easy.
    Yet a whatever the cost the alternative SUCKS big time.

    My sister's son literally suffered unspeakable pain every day of his 11 years.
    His mother was told a dozen times that this time he will not make it.

    And yet he was completely free of any bitterness. It never seemed to occur to him to reject the terms upon which his life was given to him.

    To breathe was pain. To move was pain to eat was throw up in pain. and pain.
    Yet all I had to do was walk into his room and his eyes lite up like I was his salvation, though he knew I was not

    I've yet to meet any who have his inner peace. He never got angry.
    He had no fear of death, none.

    My Mother who lost a child before I was born to still birth held fiercely
    To an old Irish belief that a stillborn child comes to this world and dies as the last
    rug on their ladder to heaven.

    You see we are all always ignorant before mystery.
    We do not know why the innocent must suffer.

    This single question has sparked entire religions.And every answer imaginable has been put forth. Because it deeply pains us to see innocent suffer.

    More personally put, Why would a God that loves ,me put me here?

    We do not know we will never know in this life.

    But we do not need to know we need to love. I would rather love nature than to know all her ways and works.Yet in loving her we can come to know much about her

    As any father or mother can tell us
    Here in what may be the darkest corner of His creation he sends love.

    The only real question in this world is this. Will we receive it?

    I thank you for making a place in your life for me.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  10. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    An after thought, did you know that when we first came across the Inuit people that we discovered that they never punished their children.

    One explorer recounted something he witnessed.
    After spending countless hours softening a seal skin with teeth worn to the gum line she presented her grand child with a new pair of pants.

    The child immediately ran off to a steep snow covered hill and began sliding down. over and over.

    Finally the childs mother recouted to the child all the hard work his grandmother had done so he could have his new pants She told him in no uncertain trearms to stop wearing them out.

    The child stopped and looked at his mother and her mother.
    Then he just laughs at them and run back up.
    His elders laughed even harder than he.

    You see life would be hard for him as it was for them. Life would brutally correct his mistakes. They need only to give him strength and confidence.

    Nature would discipline him.

  11. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I am happy and very fortunate to learn so much from you.

    My Step-Brother has an extremely hard life to live. The common name for his ailment is Brittle Bone Disease. He has suffered through far more than forty major operations. Some of his doctors have the ignorant maliciousness to try to cut his morphine dose. He has cut it in half all on his own, this provides horrible pain. Pain that any human or humane physician should understand needs chemical help.

    Years ago I asked him how severe the pain is. "From terrible to unimaginable" he replied. At that moment I understood that it was far more than I could ever take.

    Most people who are cursed with this illness die young, quite young. They simply can not live with all of the pain that really weak bones comes with. He is 60 years of age now, and the most brave person I will EVER know.

    Puts my amount of troubles to shame. There are many, many folks who have to deal with severe lives. I'm not one of them. Pulling head from ass, once more. Thank you very, very much for helping me understand that I don't have much to complain about!
  12. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Evey one that I have met that was deeply afflicted from birth, every one whose burden simply cannot be understood by we who are unaffiliated

    All three of them; I don't know how else to say this, Each of them stand far closer to God than I..
  13. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    How did this one evade us for so long!!??

  14. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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  15. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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  16. Daniel~

    Daniel~ Chief BBS Administrator Staff Member

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    Some thing that I wrotegives me some splainin to do Lucy! ":O}

    I wrote that God battles all of creation to preserve your choice.

    Why would he need to?

    Because he created a just and equable world. A world where each thing has a place to grow into.

    Daily we live in violation of all his laws, by all that is just we should parish
    His creation cries out for justice.

    All that stands between us and Those who bring just accusation against us
    is Gods finest creation, Mercy.

    We are showing the entire universe just how merciful our God can be.

    But beware, mercy abused is the gravest injustice.

    Where ever his predisposition toward Mercy The universe runs upon Justice and in the end Justice Will have it's day

    He holds back the tide of Justice to buy us time to grow merciful.
  17. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    This is a very confusing situation. I know, no one asked me. But ttbmk Dobie Gray did this song first. Try to tell the difference between Dobie Gray's version and the version that The Doobie Brothers allegedly recorded. They seem to be identical, so why does this Doobie Brothers rendition of the song exist? I smell a messed up attribution. I have my sincere doubt that the Doobie Brothers ever recorded this tune. Ever.

    No one called for an amateur musicologist. My bad. Again.
  18. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Forgot this one, but it was a pot smoker's mini dream

  19. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Hmm, I liked it. Luckily there is no accounting for taste!

  20. cloasters

    cloasters Moderator

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Another decent old one.

    Too bad that this video quality is so bad.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020

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