There is real talent in this world. Talent I recognize and appreciate, but still have no inner connection with. I hear it but just don't feel it as many others do. When this happens I try to hear what I have not heard, sometimes that works, but mostly not. I have rarely come to like what I did not like before. More often I tried of what I liked before.
A fav of mine not thought of in many a year. Rock and roll religion... I think the lyric unsophisticated and child like in it's reliance upon the divine. It takes tremendous faith to say unequivocally" "When I die and they lay me to rest I'm going to the place that's best!" My feeling is that the Divine welcomes such presumption; Asks us to makes such a leap of faith.
My oldest friend's friend from HS lives with Mr Greenbaum. They are happy together seems that his song (which definitely isn't one of my favorites) keeps earning royalties. May he prosper and live long.
"I got a big fat mama trying to break me......Telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty. Is why I ove the Kinks!! ":O}